News   Sep 18, 2024
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News   Sep 18, 2024
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News   Sep 18, 2024
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VIA Rail

If PP gets elected anything can happen. The cons can take this as an excuse to withhold funding for fleet replacement as part of a cost cutting exercise
"Fiscal concervatives" at work. Again why do they choose such fringe candidates? Sheer, O'Toole and now Polieve. I would consider Steven Harper closer to the middle of the political scale and didn't bring up the same sex marriage debate. Wasn't very kind to immigration or natives, but that's more of a Liberal Agenda. Peter McKay would have been more of a moderate candidate but his close ties with the Harper era didn't do him any favors.

And even with the concervatives leading in the polls by 8-10 points the campaign tends to bring out the worst in the concervatives. Especially when it comes to indigenous rights, human rights, and immigration as well as healthcare/social services.

Even his stance that all drug addicts need to go to jail I think is misguided. Not everyone who is a drug addict is such on purpose and often it's due to circumstance and homelessness. Someone who gets addicted to oxy because they got into a car accident and broke 5 bones is not a criminal. Painting everyone with the same brush doesnt solve problems.

Anyway concervatives are never popular with the civil service because those are the first to get cut. Unions tend to not endorse blue candidates. Funny that south of the border they endorse Republicans, even though they do nothing for poor people except make them poorer.
I assume it's an echo announcement if the RFQ. Cool to see inside the station.

UPDATE: Confirmed. Echo announcement.

Also, I note this line in this article:

The federal Transport Minister said on Friday that he is open to a hybrid approach — combining high-speed rail service and high frequency trains, providing that some of small communities between the two provinces aren’t left behind in the faster service.

“I’m not ruling anything out except that we will not abandon these communities that we are committed to connecting,” Omar Alghabra said while visiting the VIA Rail Central Station in Montreal on Friday.

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Fwiw some councilors for the city of Pickering are pushing for a stop near Green river this upcoming council meeting. Given recent studies indicating no need for airport until beyond 2036 and the move to support reduction in greenhouse gas emissions....
Fwiw some councilors for the city of Pickering are pushing for a stop near Green river this upcoming council meeting. Given recent studies indicating no need for airport until beyond 2036 and the move to support reduction in greenhouse gas emissions....

Link/motion available?
I replied directly to the conversation. Read directly above my post.

And... If you read point 12 they talk about the ask for HSR stop in green river. Is the hsr/hfr talk in a other thread?
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Right on the border with York so I imagine some crossover. Also, just north of the controversial (former?) greenbelt lands where development may occur.
I replied directly to the conversation. Read directly above my post.

Its good etiquette when replying to someone to use the reply button to quote the message (or part of the message) you are replying to. Alternatively, if replying to the last post in the thread, you can prefix your post with "^^^" (though you risk someone else posting something before your reply, breaking your reference).

And... If you read point 12 they talk about the ask for HSR stop in green river. Is the hsr/hfr talk in a other thread?

You linked to a 175 pages of images (do these fools not know how to save a document as a PDF properly, or trying to make it difficult for anyone to figure out what they are doing?) and point 12 starts on page 12 and spans 8 pages. Since they are images, not text, it isn't easily searchable, and it isn't reasonable to expect someone to read the entire document to find your reference,.
Its good etiquette when replying to someone to use the reply button to quote the message (or part of the message) you are replying to.
Agreed when out of context. See what I did there? ;)

I was asked a question and replied immediately with full context; it's the first bullet item in section 12 which I referenced - it relates to the airport decision (it has further context including HSR/HFR to the possible pickering airport). If you need assistance you can ask for further assistance (I won't bite)... Which brings me to my other point:
Is it really that difficult to state what the title of point 12 is, let alone: to realize that it has absolutely zero to do with VIA Rail as the topic of this thread?
Is this really conducive to an effective discussion for healthy discussion/participation on the UT forum?
Fwiw some councilors for the city of Pickering are pushing for a stop near Green river this upcoming council meeting. Given recent studies indicating no need for airport until beyond 2036 and the move to support reduction in greenhouse gas emissions....
I summarized the possible city of Pickering position (for convenience) on the HFR/HSR stop within/near the city, was asked for a source referencing the Green River HSR/HFR stop, and provided. If you find it hard to locate, ask and I can share.

Let's move on... If you wish to discuss this further I suggest direct message.
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