Well, did you model T-O? Or are you conveniently ignoring the fact that their demand is similar (and T-O and O-M demand combined is higher than T-M)?
I don't see how I'm ignoring Toronto to Ottawa ... if I was doing that, why would advocate for VIA Fast?
The documents, and VIA Rail, do not say that. You make the assumption that were bypassing Ottawa, which I dispute.
Which documents? The most recent document I've seen is that map that the minister of Transport released, showing HFR both passing through Ottawa, and staying on the WInchester Sub from Smith Falls to near Dorion.
I'm not making an assumption that they are bypassing Ottawa.
I am making an assumption that the most recent (afaik) information that was released, by the new Minister, was correct. If they have released incorrect information - then all bets are off!
It makes service more frequent though.
HFR through Peterborough may service more frequent - at least to Montreal - if there's $billions spent on track upgrades along Havelock, etc. But not only does that ignore the comparison in what can be done by spending the same amount on the Kingston Sub - it ignores that making the Montreal service more frequent through Ottawa and Peterborough, won't necessarily give you enough passengers to provide you with those required to do a frequent service.
For how much money? I'd love more funding for intercity rail, but that's not reality.
That's the rub, isn't it? Where's the detailed assessment of various options, of costs versus frequencies, versus speeds, versus ridership? Why is everything VIA has done in the last 20 years on this file been kept secret - we only know the details of the 2002 study because someone leaked it to the media. The various studies in the 1970s, and even VIAs 1984 and 1989 studies were all publicly accessible - and did look at various options, etc.
IYou seem fixated on the Kingston Sub in favor of T-M at all costs.
Because that's what gave the fastest 200 km/hr service to both Ottawa and Montreal, with a single service, in VIA's 2002 study.
The cost of a brand new ROW would kill HFR immediately.
Not according to VIA in the 2002 study. So where's the source for that now? Why don't we have a detailed breakdown of the costs, on the same basis, of the various options.
Look, a press announcement. LOL.
As compared to what? Most people seem to be using the basis of what the VIA PR people have posted to VIA's website over the years - which often contradicts itself as time passes. There's been various presentations by VIA and TC personnel over the years, that also shifts. At least the press announcement we know has been vetted by all involved (or at least should have been).
I'll believe the bypass is being built when I see it.
On that basis, HFR doesn't exist. I doubt it will be built, once they crunch the numbers and/or take it to market. I expect we'll end up on the same path we've been on since the early 1980s, when as a first step, they built new tracks and reopened Gare du Palais. They've done precious little on the capital side since other than buying some of the Ottawa-area and southwestern subs - and maintenance yards.
In other words, bypassing Ottawa (which creates the most demand). The three sides of the triangle are roughly equal, and you're getting rid of two sides in favor of the third, when the base proposal has that third side at most, at 30 minutes longer.
You sound as though I'm suggesting that trains from Montreal and Toronto don't serve Ottawa!
In my experience, 30 minutes is critical, if it pushes 3.5 hours to 4.0 hours. Will it move 100% of traffic? Of course not. Will there still be some services that take the longer milk run through Ottawa all the way from Montreal to Toronto ... yes.
Saying something repeatedly doesn't make it true.
And yet that does seem the approach here.
Under your proposal, to improve travel times, you need to improve multiple alignments. Under the original proposal, an improvement on the Ottawa section would also improve T-M times. Probably enough to mitigate *most of the time savings.
My proposal? My proposal is VIA Fast - which has a single Toronto to Montreal line, that stops in both Kingston and Ottawa. Yeah, Brockville and Cornwall are screwed ... last modelling I saw predicted that demand from there would actually decrease over the years, as no one wants to live there, and the population ages.
VIA's original proposal was to take all the current segments, and then add Toronto - Smith Falls. The latest version also seems to add Smith Falls direct to Coteau. I'm proposing less alignments than VIA currently uses, eliminating the triangle. HFR keeps those, and adds even more!
Let's move the Toronto end to Main St as well!
A) I was being facetious in response to kEiThZ's claim that there was "literally no way to achieve a 3.5 hr travel time without HSR" when VIA Fast was literally the way to achieve a 3.5 hr travel time without HSR.
B) Main to Union is about 8.5 km - and well outside the downtown core. St. Henri to the old Bonaventure Station is less than 2.8 km. The joke I made was that by removing that short (and dead-straight) piece of track, CN added 15-minutes to the Montreal-Toronto travel time! An equivalent comparison would be terminating the Montreal to Toronto service at East Harbour station.
We can do that? Is that what you're suggesting?
I've felt I've been suggesting just that in this thread since 2016. And you feel that I keep repeating the same thing too often!
VIA proposed it, and the Prime Minister promised it in 2002 - and then Paul Martin came to power and cancelled it (almost as if he owned the competitor or something ...
So was VIA wrong about it being the best approach doable in 2002, or they wrong about it be better to spend more money, going a different route, and taking longer now?
Is VIA wrong then, or wrong now?
Go look at YDS' past presentations. He specifically mentions targeting drivers. And he specifically downplays HSR, arguing that the fares for such projects were too high, and did not cater to the middle class.
Sorry - who is YDS? I've lost track of something.
I'm not sure the relevance of HSR - no one has proposed it for decades. I keep talking about VIA Fast - which is pretty much the same speed as being discussed now ... and presumably the same frequencies. All HFR is, is a rebranding along a different route (that's longer, with more speed restrictions).
Of course, that doesn't mean, they can't target air travelers in specific segments where they can be competitive like Toronto-Ottawa, and Montreal-Quebec City. But I do think there's definitely some optimization going on in the background, between fares, travel time and ridership to get a viable project proposal.
You say this, as though it's a trivial ask.
You said that that 3.5 hours was "literally impossible without HSR". And yet in 2002, VIA proposed 3.5 hours without HSR - and WITH running through Ottawa station. Meaning that if you went for the 2002 plan AND detoured along the Winchester Sub (which wasn't the proposal), you may even be able to do nearly 3 hours Toronto to Montreal, "without HSR".
Why do you believe that VIA is wrong about being able to do 3.5 hours without HSR? Of course it's not trivial ... but that non-trivial does not equal impossible!
It's apparently $6-12B now, depending on the final configuration.[/URL] As we're seeing, real world costs are a lot more expensive than napkin math. Which is why you should take off the rose tinted glasses when looking back dreamily at VIA Fast.
Thanks for the link. Yeah, always more expensive ... which is why we need a clear, simple, apples-to-apples comparison of the various options, travel times, frequencies, etc. I hope both TC and CIB have insisted on this. And my fear is that to make everything work, they've had to throw in the Ottawa bypass at the last minute.
Is that any more delusional than insisting for a long time, that all the Montreal-Toronto service will go through Ottawa to stay on VIA-owned track, and suddenly having (at least) some of it go over the Winchester Sub, and missing all the VIA-owned track?
And we can make pigs fly simply by giving them wings.
Ah, you've been reading the Ontario Liberals HSR plan!