Transport Canada got involved in the VIA/CN Venture speed-reduction issue in a letter to CN from TC's Director General of Rail Safety and Security on December 10...
"Transport Canada takes this matter seriously and, through this order, is seeking
information to ensure compliance with grade crossing requirements, such as those found
in the Grade Crossing Regulations, and ascertain whether there is an active safety issue. This information will
assist TC in determining next steps, which could include requiring companies to
implement corrective measures to mitigate any risks.
In addition, there remains a need to ensure that CN’s implementation of the operating restrictions for VIA’s Ven
Venture fleet is effective in identifying and addressing safety concerns as they arise.
Pursuant to section 36 of the Railway Safety Act, the Canadian National Railway Company is hereby ordered, within 30 days of
receipt of this Order, to file with the Minister of Transport:
All available records demonstrating warning activation times, including the time
gates (if equipped) were in the horizontal position, for each crossing activation for
the period starting in May 2024 to the date of this Order." [of all the crossings upon which CN imposed speed reductions throughout the Ontario-Quebec Corridor.
This report to TC is due over a month before the next Court session for the judicial review VIA launched concerning CN's actions, scheduled for February 25.