Peterborough strikes me as the kind of grey area between VIA and GO that needs some kind of service, but is too easy for either side to claim is 'not their problem' because of the distance. It fits into the same camp of KWC/Guelph, Barrie, Hamilton, maybe even Niagara and Brantford- the extant cities whose population mostly works within them and doesn't commute to Toronto en masse, but there is a substantial number who do so more like an 'intercity' trip. IMO its the kind of distance where an hourly VIA service or dedicated GO service makes the most sense for the time being, unless there are parts of the urban region that are close enough to justify something more. I'm not so sure Peterborough is as integrated in the Golden Horseshoe like this as some of the other cities mentioned, so it might be better to err on the side of intercity travel for now- especially if its easier to deliver in that manner. We don't want a London GO situation where local travel is supposed to make the case better, but can't because GO couldn't throw any money at it. HFR presents this funding opportunity; GO can intermingle with HFR to Peterborough to provide that marginal level of increased service if needed.