Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

There are big things to watch for, which will probably jump out at you. Two pieces of flooring had big chips out of them. One thing to watch for is where your flooring meets the wall or cupboards -- there was a piece of flooring that was clearly cut too short so there was a big gap (maybe "big" is an exaggeration, but it seemed big). There will definitely be a TON of spots where there need to be touch-ups of paint or sanding and painting...these were marked with little post-it notes so that the guy can come in and do all of that at once.

Appliances -- all were as described (i.e. stainless steel in the kitchen and white for the laundry) - they are Frigidaire (I dont know if that's a good thing or a bad thing), but they looked really nice. All my electrical was good and I brought a phone charger so I could test all the plugs. The balconies didn't have dividers up yet (if you're in one of the units where your balconies are attached side by side) but they were expecting to get those done soon.

I was told that the garage area is nowhere near done although I only have a locker and no parking space so that's not a huge deal for me - not sure what they're planning to do for those that need a place to mark when they first move in.

You could absolutely live in the unit right now - when I spoke to Jenna after the inspection she told me that if I really want to I could make a call to the lawyer and get them to push ahead on the paperwork and I could move in ASAP, she also said if I figured there was no rush, that it may be a week or two before all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Cabinets and floors looked really good to me, although I dont have much to compare it to -- none of it seemed cheap in my opinion.

I do want to stress that I'm pretty laid back about all of this - trying to enjoy the process and cherish the moments because it's my first place I've bought. I am sure there are some people that will be disappointed and I am sure there will be things that I notice once I am actually living there -- I don't want people to think I'm totally crazy if your experience at your PDI was totally different. Not going to get all preachy on people, but try to enjoy some of this -- we'll be in there soon and can enjoy some cold drinks together by the spring :)

Need to switch computers to upload images...hope that the additional info helps :)
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Some pics (I have more but it was taking forever to upload them) - send me a message with your email address and I can send them to you directly.



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Could someone please remind me what utilities are covered by the maintenance fees? I seem to recall that water is, but was there anything else? Also, does anyone know if there will be temporary (like for the day or overnight) parking for guests? Thanks!
thanks so much for your report and the pics, hkidd19. Place is looking good - and more spacious than I imagined it to be. How large is your unit? I've sent you an email and would love to see more pics,
thanks again
Thanks + Wood floor help...

hkidd99, thanks so much for sharing that information with all of us and sending over the pic. It is much appreciated and good advice on enjoying the experience. I hope I will be able to remind myself of that when my PDI comes. I'm a little concerned with parking garage issue. I hope that it is done soon. I am not looking forward to having to have to park across the street in that sketchy make-shift parking lot. :)

Also, can someone help me with a question. I have emailed Jenna twice, called and left 2 messages, and it has been a week and no answer. The only response I got from the sales people was "Jenna is busy you know..."

The carpets in the bedroom are not being installed as per our agreement and I will be putting down hardwood in both the bedrooms. However, I want the wood to match what is already in the dining room and living room. I really want to order the wood ASAP (move-in is already feb 1), but I need the name of the vendor, type of wood, and colour. I ordered colour selection #4 and is says the wood is: Banff 5995 Light Grey. However, when I call around hardwood places, they're telling me they can't find that. Perhaps this was a custom order and I can't actually order more? Can anyone suggest something to do? Help!!!

Thanks so much for the pics and details of the PDI! your unit looks great! Looking forward to our PDI, and will take your advice to enjoy it!
hkidd99, thanks so much for sharing that information with all of us and sending over the pic. It is much appreciated and good advice on enjoying the experience. I hope I will be able to remind myself of that when my PDI comes. I'm a little concerned with parking garage issue. I hope that it is done soon. I am not looking forward to having to have to park across the street in that sketchy make-shift parking lot. :)

Also, can someone help me with a question. I have emailed Jenna twice, called and left 2 messages, and it has been a week and no answer. The only response I got from the sales people was "Jenna is busy you know..."

The carpets in the bedroom are not being installed as per our agreement and I will be putting down hardwood in both the bedrooms. However, I want the wood to match what is already in the dining room and living room. I really want to order the wood ASAP (move-in is already feb 1), but I need the name of the vendor, type of wood, and colour. I ordered colour selection #4 and is says the wood is: Banff 5995 Light Grey. However, when I call around hardwood places, they're telling me they can't find that. Perhaps this was a custom order and I can't actually order more? Can anyone suggest something to do? Help!!!


I am waiting for the same response and that was when we selected our finishes way back when. So if anyone does get an answer I too would be very grateful.

Also to ask those that are replacing the carpet in their bedrooms. Are you waiting till after the occupancy period as technically that is when you're allowed to do major modifications to your unit or are you going to do it right away?
Hey there - so a couple of things.

You may want to try Jenna next week -- I know she's been in the process of moving into the office on the actual site of Phase 1 so perhaps she isn't connected yet there.

Re: the flooring -- the Banff 5995 Light grey is for the tiles in the kitchen, not the laminate wood. The problem is, they say the laminate is Terrra which doesn't give you enough detail.

Hope that helps a bit.

The carpets in the bedroom are not being installed as per our agreement and I will be putting down hardwood in both the bedrooms.

Could you please elaborate a little on this? I don't want the carpet installed either but was under the impression we had to have it put in. When did you ask them to do this?
To hkidd, thank you for correcting me about the hardwood vs. kitchen, I'm not sure what i was reading! But still, you're right, terra is pretty vague. I'm not sure if I will be able to get more information soon, but when/if I do, I will post it.

Is anyone planning to upgrade their washer and dryer unit? I was hoping that I can 'exchange it' from their supplier for a more energy efficient one. Is anyone else planning to do this? Is the washer/dryer unit already as energy efficient as we can get for such a small space?


Could you please elaborate a little on this? I don't want the carpet installed either but was under the impression we had to have it put in. When did you ask them to do this?

I had them put in an amendment on our contract NOT to install carpet (so we can put the hardwood in easier) when we purchased the unit 3 years ago. I double checked with Jenna when choosing our colour schemes and she made a note and said that it should be done as we specified. BUT, who knows, when we do our PDI, I wouldn't be surprised if we found that the carpet is installed.
I am waiting for the same response and that was when we selected our finishes way back when. So if anyone does get an answer I too would be very grateful.

Also to ask those that are replacing the carpet in their bedrooms. Are you waiting till after the occupancy period as technically that is when you're allowed to do major modifications to your unit or are you going to do it right away?

That was also a question I had during the colour selections and she told me that since the flooring will be incomplete upon move-in date, I can have the hardwood installed without having to wait. Apparently this doesn't count as a renovation, rather it is a finishing.

Plus, I think installing it now when there are less people moved in would be easier in terms of noise and mess.
There are big things to watch for, which will probably jump out at you. Two pieces of flooring had big chips out of them. One thing to watch for is where your flooring meets the wall or cupboards -- there was a piece of flooring that was clearly cut too short so there was a big gap (maybe "big" is an exaggeration, but it seemed big). There will definitely be a TON of spots where there need to be touch-ups of paint or sanding and painting...these were marked with little post-it notes so that the guy can come in and do all of that at once.

Appliances -- all were as described (i.e. stainless steel in the kitchen and white for the laundry) - they are Frigidaire (I dont know if that's a good thing or a bad thing), but they looked really nice. All my electrical was good and I brought a phone charger so I could test all the plugs. The balconies didn't have dividers up yet (if you're in one of the units where your balconies are attached side by side) but they were expecting to get those done soon.

I was told that the garage area is nowhere near done although I only have a locker and no parking space so that's not a huge deal for me - not sure what they're planning to do for those that need a place to mark when they first move in.

You could absolutely live in the unit right now - when I spoke to Jenna after the inspection she told me that if I really want to I could make a call to the lawyer and get them to push ahead on the paperwork and I could move in ASAP, she also said if I figured there was no rush, that it may be a week or two before all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.

Cabinets and floors looked really good to me, although I dont have much to compare it to -- none of it seemed cheap in my opinion.

I do want to stress that I'm pretty laid back about all of this - trying to enjoy the process and cherish the moments because it's my first place I've bought. I am sure there are some people that will be disappointed and I am sure there will be things that I notice once I am actually living there -- I don't want people to think I'm totally crazy if your experience at your PDI was totally different. Not going to get all preachy on people, but try to enjoy some of this -- we'll be in there soon and can enjoy some cold drinks together by the spring :)

Need to switch computers to upload images...hope that the additional info helps :)

Thanks for posting your experience. Looking forward to meeting all my new neighbours soon.
That was also a question I had during the colour selections and she told me that since the flooring will be incomplete upon move-in date, I can have the hardwood installed without having to wait. Apparently this doesn't count as a renovation, rather it is a finishing.

Plus, I think installing it now when there are less people moved in would be easier in terms of noise and mess.

See during colour selection, I had asked Mr. Falus over the phone and he told me that no modifications would be allowed during the occupancy period for the units. So when I confirmed with him about not having carpet installed, he gave me the impression that I would have to live with unfinished floors till after the occupancy period.

A friend of mine that bought into the Heintzman on Keele/Dundas area, did not have any flooring installed in her unit and did everything herself when she moved in. Anyways, she installed her floors during the occupancy period and was informed that her warranty from the developer was now null and void with whatever the flooring touched (so in realty, her walls were no longer covered). So she had to make sure her walls weren't warped, uneven, etc before placing in her new floors.

It's interesting how everyone gets different answers.
Awesome, thanks for the report and the pics hkidd19! Your unit looks quite spacious from the pics.

I wish I had made the request on my amendment to not out carpet down in the bedroom. Oh well.
