Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

Anyone know if it is true that this project is being relaunched as

yes it is ... it's the new slick marketing of OLD projects, similar to the 'grand opening' of fly with the new smaller suites even though they had been on the market for awhile (a year?) already
i bought 2 here for 175k each with no parking. 570 sq ft.
my agent sold 12 5% commission for agents
will open on the 24th of september for public should sell out this time...
i bought 2 here for 175k each with no parking. 570 sq ft.
my agent sold 12 5% commission for agents
will open on the 24th of september for public should sell out this time...

When did you buy? Also did you agent sell these units recently? I am sitting here on pins and needles just thinking about the project, as I have purchased one the best units 1B+D on the a very low would be such a disapointment if the project did not go through.

Also who ever purchased the loft on the what a great unit.....does anyone know the height of the ceilings? I heard it could be between 8' or 9'.

As for others who have asked questions regarding backing out of the agreement to have 10 days to back out of the sale....this is known as a cooling off period.
BTW I heard they are remodeling the bachlors into 1B's can anyone confirm this?

it seems there is a little buzz happening now with this project......who knows what is going to happen!
Is there actually a buzz? I haven't heard anything other than some silly radio commercials.

What "buzz"..I have a few friends who live in this section of town and they barely knew about this project.They seen the signs but the excitement I guess is only from the buyers not the locals.
i bought 2 here for 175k each with no parking. 570 sq ft.
my agent sold 12 5% commission for agents
will open on the 24th of september for public should sell out this time...

last i heard, they had sold ~30%.
so how are you expecting them to sell the remaining 70% this time?

if it doesnt sell out this time they have to return all deposits. they have until december to sell out.

really?..why the rush? the look of it sales office looks reallllly slow.My mechanic works is this area and I drive by to visit him like three times a month to get advise and the parking in the back always looks empty.
last i heard, they had sold ~30%.
so how are you expecting them to sell the remaining 70% this time?

With a slick advertising campaign like "UpsideDownCondoPrices", how could they not sell out?

Why is it that in Toronto we get some upsidedowncondoprices, 18-foothigh ceilings, some lady throwing up emeralds (project formally known as "One Bloor"), whereas in Vancouver they actually are giving away a condo plus entertainment unit plus a motorcyle (see my blog posting here and mapped location here)! That is a cool and slick marketing campaign, and from what I hear it has all of Vancouver talking!

Then again, I have not snooped Electric City (pre the new campaign or post the new campaign), so I cannot tell what else they have done other than the radio campaign. But, I imagine they are following suit, and re-designed for smaller units and hoping to blow them all out.

Maybe they should give away an electric-car, like a Prius. Now that would be awesome.
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Well the buzz is coming from the Condo Agents.....but I do take it all with a grain of salt. Why? Well for one I have chatted with one agent 4 months ago, and that agent told me that he/she would not touch the project becuase it was not a viable one. But as of last week I was snooping around the internet and found that same agent advertising Electric City with a new hyped energy.

As for Upsidedowncondoprices I have never heard of them until now. Tom Falus I would imagine wants this to go ahead becuase he and his partners have a lot at stake here. The land is sitting still with very little happening, which means money not being made......

Just today I noticed that the signs are being replaced with the Upsidedowncondoprices advertisment......tomorrow (19th of Sept.) is the new launch..and the 24th of Sept. will be the new opening to the public.

As for the sales...well it looks like it is getting better....25%to 30% in les than a month...well that is not was 13% in one year so maybe it will make the 50% threshold by Dec.

If anyone has anymore info please post it......
Well the buzz is coming from the Condo Agents.....but I do take it all with a grain of salt. Why? Well for one I have chatted with one agent 4 months ago, and that agent told me that he/she would not touch the project becuase it was not a viable one. But as of last week I was snooping around the internet and found that same agent advertising Electric City with a new hyped energy.

As for Upsidedowncondoprices I have never heard of them until now. Tom Falus I would imagine wants this to go ahead becuase he and his partners have a lot at stake here. The land is sitting still with very little happening, which means money not being made......

Just today I noticed that the signs are being replaced with the Upsidedowncondoprices advertisment......tomorrow (19th of Sept.) is the new launch..and the 24th of Sept. will be the new opening to the public.

As for the sales...well it looks like it is getting better....25%to 30% in les than a month...well that is not was 13% in one year so maybe it will make the 50% threshold by Dec.

If anyone has anymore info please post it......

they have extended the project once already i believe and this would be the second time so december is the deadline and if it doesnt happen the all customers will receive their money back. it would be sad because this would launch a total make over of this intersection and surrounding areas. its old and industrial but that doesnt mean it cannot be redone and made into something like its predecessors Liberty Village, King West Village.....they sold out and now transformed the enitre area. I bought 2 here knowing that I would not see much gains but at the same time what is the worst that can happen? Who has lost money in real estate other than over-priced American and British Homes which is one of the reason why we are apart of this stupid housing mess.

Its survival of the fittest and everyone knows it, out muscle the losses and the gains will eventually put you on top. Quick example, I am losing money as we speak on a condo purchased at 70 absolute ave. I paid 237k for it but right now it was appraised by BMO as 215k which is bogus. That same condo sold for 260-280k a year ago. Now either I quit and lose money or keep absorbing the loss to see prices go up. (its currently rented out but I am still paying 300 out of my pocket to keep it going).

fyi-banks are hard during recessions when it comes to appraising property so I knew it was coming.
fyi-banks are hard during recessions when it comes to appraising property so I knew it was coming.

Banks are also extremely cautious for construction financing, which makes any project extremely tough to get off the ground right now, even with good sales.

Marketing aside, I agree with you, and hope that the project does move forward. It is a neat project, at a cool location.
Banks are also extremely cautious for construction financing, which makes any project extremely tough to get off the ground right now, even with good sales.

Marketing aside, I agree with you, and hope that the project does move forward. It is a neat project, at a cool location.

Could not say it any better than you have just done! I hope it goes forward......
