Hello all,
I just spoke to both Lawrence - the realtor mentioned on one of the Phase 1 Posting, and Amy at the Sales Centre. Both have reiterated that December is the move-in date for the lower floors. Higher floors will have more staggered occupancy dates. Both have also mentioned that March is the date set for the general public - for unsold inventory - but that existing owners can expect to enter in December. I asked about pre-occupancy inspection and Amy said that this could happen even as close as one-two days before moving in.
Also, as I suspected, when I mentioned to her that December seems an ambitious move-in date given the amount of work that still needs to be done by the looks of the site, she mentioned that the first while is going to be a mess: with workers coming and going, and dust and grit everywhere. I guess after all these years, the dirt is something we can all live for a while. Hope this helps to reassure everyone...
Amy did mention that if people do have questions or are still uncertain, to give her a call at the Sales Office