Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

im soo curious to know what the delay is now???

At this date (almost February) I would prefer they wait to do the foundation..... like April.
I understand, some have said the foundation is doable in the winter ...but.... I would feel better if it was done in warmer weather. We're so close to spring. Then they can work like bumble bees and catch up... :)
My husband and I are not in this for the short haul (like a flip). Hopefully, we love this condo and it will be a long term investment. A good strong foundation (done in the spring) sounds good to me.
I bought in Phase II...closing date on agreement is December 21, 2012...LOL...(i.e. the exact date the Mayan calendar says is the end of time...). Well, if the world DOESnt end, I'll have bought me a condo!!!!
Thanks for the updates everyone.

BTW: This is the second time I am buying from this builder. Originally I owned at BeBloor at 1369 Bloor...kinda homely looking building but it appreciated very nicely and I sold for good $$$. The builder is kinda of a pioneer in this neighbourhood, and even if they are usually late in terms of delivery, they do end up delivering...EVENTUALLY. To give you an idea, BeBloor was delayed by about one YEAR....!!!! I bought in 2004 and didnt move in until April, 2006...though it was supposed to be mid-2005. Keep thinking about all the appreciation in price that you are getting without having to carry the property and it should make you sleep a little better at night!

Torontoplanner, can you share with us the number of months that BeBloor was in 'occupancy' state before actually closing? Just want to have an idea of a timeline I could expect from this builder.

Torontoplanner, can you share with us the number of months that BeBloor was in 'occupancy' state before actually closing? Just want to have an idea of a timeline I could expect from this builder.


sure. I moved in in April 2006, and my unit was on the 5th of 15 floors. My closing was mid-October 2006. SO about 6 months. If I had moved in on a higher floor it would have been a lot less. Ergo why I bought higher up this time around! The delays are usually a result of getting the necessary inspections and approvals in place...the builder wants the building to close ASAP, since he doesn't get paid until that happens!
sure. I moved in in April 2006, and my unit was on the 5th of 15 floors. My closing was mid-October 2006. SO about 6 months. If I had moved in on a higher floor it would have been a lot less. Ergo why I bought higher up this time around! The delays are usually a result of getting the necessary inspections and approvals in place...the builder wants the building to close ASAP, since he doesn't get paid until that happens!

Sounds positive, especially considering you were on the 5th floor out of the 15....I would hate for the occupany to go anything longer than 6 moths...

Thank you
Were already 1 year delayed from the start date, when they do eventually start I'm sure there will be more delays to come... To the guy who bought from this builder, was your other place delayed initially before they began working?
So talking to my sis-n-law this weekend and she mentioned to me that he Aunt (who bought into Phase One after I did), received a letter a few months back from the developer mentioning that they were waiting for permit approval, etc. Anyone else get that letter? I remember that there was word that a letter was to be sent and we all talked about it here, saying that we didn't get a letter, but by any chance, did anyone get one? I'm curious to know why she got one and I didn't. Here's hoping that the Sales Centre opens up soon, hopefully some face to face communication will begin to happen.
from today

Upsidedown Condominium, Phase One (formerly Electric City), Dupont St, Lansdowne Ave, M5K
$26,200,000 est
Start: June, 2011 Complete: December, 2012
Note: Working drawings are complete. The project has been rebranded by the Owner. Remarketing and sales are underway. Schedules for Invited Sub trade tender and construction will be finalized late Spring/early Summer, 2011 based on sales. Further update late March, 2011.
Unsolicited phone calls WILL NOT be accepted by the Owner.
This project did not start construction in 2010 as was previously reported.
Project: concrete foundation, cast-in-place concrete structural frame, structural steel frame, masonry exterior, fuel fired heating system, granite kitchen counter tops; laminate flooring in Living, Dining and Den areas; various interior finishes; proposed construction of a 14 storey condominium building with 300 units. Amenities will include Recreation room with kitchen and bar; Half sports court' Billiards and games room; Multipurpose room with kitchen/bar; Exercise room; Sports court; His and hers changerooms and sauna; and 3 Elevators. The project will also include two storeys of underground parking for 249 spaces.
Scope: 22,265 m²; 14 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 297 units; parking for 249 cars; 5 acres
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Recreational bldgs
First report Tue Nov 18, 2008. Last report Fri Jun 18, 2010.
This report Fri Feb 04, 2011.
December 2012... ouch! Here's hoping it's a wee bit sooner than that. I truly had my heart set for a June 2012 move in.
wow that sucks!! are we suppose to be getting paid interest on the money we put down? anybody know?
That really sucks for the people who bought in phase 2! We were told we could expect to move in December 2012. From the sounds of it, it will be 2013 for us :(
It wouldn't surprise me if they built both phases at the same time, it would be a cost benefit for them. Being able to buy materials at an even larger quantity, having contracts for workers and such fixed for both phases (cause correct me if I an wrong, every phase is a new contract negotiation).
Hey Everyone,

There is some movement on the site this past week. They have staked out the area again and there some heavy piece of equipment on the site and it looks like it is for drilling holes.

i drove by sunday morning and it looked like they were loading the equipment back on to trucks :s
So is the move in date now being pushed back an entire year, as per the article, official?

Condo developments being delayed isn't a shocking thing, but since this is only a 14 floor condo as opposed to a high rise, is a 1 year delay REALLY needed? I recall a colleague of mine buying a high rise condo at Yonge & Sheppard and I think I remember them saying it was delayed 1-2 years... but their building was like 40 floors.

I really WOULD like them to let us know ASAP if December 2011 is no longer feasible. If it is now December 2012, I might as well just take a job out of the Toronto area in the meantime since there's SO MUCH time...
