Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 816 LANSDOWNE AVE

Ward 18: Davenport

Application#: 09 199695 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: Oct 1, 2010

Project: Apartment Building Partial Permit - Foundation

Description: FOUNDATION PERMIT FOR BUILDING F - Part Permit - Construct new 14 storey residential apartment building (Building F) on former lands occupied by American Standard containing 297 residential dwelling units complete with two levels of below grade parking. Refer to related permit for new apartment building located at 812 Lansdowne Ave-Building E.

Here is an update:

I was told by teh sales office that they are planning to start the foundations ASAP.....and that we all (buyers) will be reciving a letter in the mail...this I heard from Robert Falus

Application: Partial Permit Status: Under Review

Location: 816 LANSDOWNE AVE

Ward 18: Davenport

Application#: 09 199695 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: Oct 1, 2010

Project: Apartment Building Partial Permit - Foundation
I was at the office too a few weeks ago, was told that Mr. Falus was going to be sending out a letter to all the buyers. I had also sent him an email, the way he worded the email, it seemed as thought we'd be getting the letters this week, sadly, nothing has come in the mail for me. Has anyone received the letter? Interested to know what it has to say.

Thanks Rikk for posting the info, nice to see that things are beginning to move again.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I was at the office too a few weeks ago, was told that Mr. Falus was going to be sending out a letter to all the buyers. I had also sent him an email, the way he worded the email, it seemed as thought we'd be getting the letters this week, sadly, nothing has come in the mail for me. Has anyone received the letter? Interested to know what it has to say.

Thanks Rikk for posting the info, nice to see that things are beginning to move again.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Your welcome...I am just like you...waiting to hear or see some development happening. The status on the site for the permits has not changed it says (under review). But on my way home tonight and discussing this with my other half we are both not impressed with the lack of information and the lack of action on Channington. You can't blame the city either for this because the developer knows the process on how to apply for permits and how long it takes to get one, they are the experts at this due to the fact that they have been building is this area now for over a decade.

What really pisses me off is when I talked with the developer he gave me a line saying they are waiting for the permit.....but this was 2 weeks prior to Oct. 1st...that is the date the application for the foundation was registered. He must think we are all ignorant or something along this line of thought.....

What I am worried about in the mortgage as there is only a limited time that I am locked in for at a low rate....if I do not take possession of the unit I will have to potentially pay a higher rate plus paying rent for another year does not sit well with me.

I have expressed this to Falus and said I would not have bought into the development because of all the delays and lack of communication that has gone on......and there are other issues in regards to the property. I hope I will be on the board of directors because living here at The Standard Lofts has opened my eyes.......I suggest everyone pay attention to the current condition of property which is adjoining to the condo because there is a dog run right below the widows of the proposed building East side....and in the summer the smell of dog #$%^ will be just nasty. The lack of cleanliness and upkeep of The Standard is just an embarrassment...........
Thanks for the update.

All this is leaving me rather saddened about the whole lack of response and delays.

As for the dog run, I gotta say, as a dog owner, I am happy for a place to bring my dog. But hopefully dog owner etiquette prevails and people actually pick up after their dogs so the smell of crap isn't such an issue. Does anyone have a layout illustration of how close the dog run is to the windows? If the layout leaves some space, it might not be so bad.

Ugh I don't really want to have to find a new condo to purchase because I've already waited since 2009 for this one and to find another one at near the same price range, I'll have to wait another 3~ years until move in.
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Some agents are hyping this development (all phases included) as the next LV. If true, it's worth waiting 3 years for a nice profit.

I do agree.......I see I can't back out now.....just need to make the best of it....and suck it up :) will get better and not to mention it will add value to the area. In the last year I have seen home owners doing many renovations on Lansdowne and seen about 5 houses sold and very fast too.
Anyone get a letter yet?

On a side note, after originally posting this question, I sent an email to R.B. and it bounced back, does anyone have an updated email?
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That's the one I emailed last night... hmmm...

Thats real interesting becuase he told me that he is always ready to talk with clients and willing to write back, then I guess he is not as open and does not want to chat with his clients.

Is this an indicator of things to come or is it he just changed his email address.......


Maybe the project fell through and we will get all out money back!!!!!! God I am having dreams now of where I am going to buy back to reality.....shit.

Gonna have to put up with the bad quality of customer service from this developer. If enough people called him and got on his back there would be some movement and also communication between all the parties. Anyone interested in writting up a letter and signing it......let me know.
Thats real interesting becuase he told me that he is always ready to talk with clients and willing to write back, then I guess he is not as open and does not want to chat with his clients.

Is this an indicator of things to come or is it he just changed his email address.......


Maybe the project fell through and we will get all out money back!!!!!! God I am having dreams now of where I am going to buy back to reality.....shit.

Gonna have to put up with the bad quality of customer service from this developer. If enough people called him and got on his back there would be some movement and also communication between all the parties. Anyone interested in writting up a letter and signing it......let me know.

If this letter from RB is not received next week (as stated). I'd be willing to sign a letter with others stating our frustration with this development. So..... who would be best to write it ?? Any volunteers ??
If this letter from RB is not received next week (as stated). I'd be willing to sign a letter with others stating our frustration with this development. So..... who would be best to write it ?? Any volunteers ??

maybe we can all meet at a coffe shop! Put one together....I work full time and attend university full time...but i can help draft the letter.....we just need the numbers to have people sign it to get something done.... there is power in numbers.....!
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