This area is actually surprisingly walkable in the sense of available amenities nearby. You have transit, Grocery stores, shopping, etc all within a couple hundred meters of these condos. Its just all fronted with parking.
Cornell is a bit of a failure when it comes to retail due to its retail streets being far too wide with crappy retail spaces. The ROW of the retail street is 30 meters, compared to the standard 20 in Toronto. even cutting it to 25 meters would have been a great improvement. Cornell exceeds at allowing for walkable trips for "local" needs such as schools, parks, convenience stores, daycare, community centres, etc, but the still too low densities of the neighbourhoods don't allow for things such as grocery stores, and residents are still forced to drive to the closest desert of big box parking lots (errr, I mean stores). Its a great improvement over a standard suburb where you drive for absolutely everything, but it has a while to go still.
Downtown Markham will be the first truly "walkable area" in Markham, but it is still a whiles off from resembling anything significant. Come back in 5-10 years to see how it has fared.