Tom Ridge would have won him Pennsylvania.
Not sure about that. Americans are keen on separating federal elections from state and local elections.
Al Gore lost Tennessee in 2000, and Obama is actually polling within 4 points of McCain in Arizona this year.
4 points! Pretty amazing if you ask me. Pennsylvania is a state that has some interesting political points. The central part of the state, more than Western PA, is filled with conservative rural voters. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Scranton, and Erie are areas with high Democratic populations. Philly suburbs are notorious for swing voting in the federal presidential election, they chose Democrats mostly in the last 4 presidential elections (Clinton 2x, Gore, Kerry). Pittsburgh has a large urban liberal population, but outside of the major city communities its largely a blue collar Democrat area and doesn't take well to black candidates like Obama (which is unfortunate in this era) and while being to the right on cultural issues, they tend to be to the left on economic issues. They really don't like NAFTA and fair trade and other issues which Democrats have abandoned.
These "Reagan-Democrats" are easily lured on cultural issues, or were in the distant past. When Democrats give up on left leaning economic policy (doing away with socials security protections, making unemployment insurance harder to get, give up on fair trade and endorse free trade agreements) these Democrats are easily won away on the culture issues... Its a lesson Democrats have to learn if they want to retain some of their old New Deal Democrats and actually start winning elections. Obama appears he supports fair trade, but we'll see what he does in office... I'm not optimistic and worry about his chances in 2012.
So in other words, the vote that carries PA is suburban Philly and suburban Pittsburgh. These are voters that swing more heavily and the population of these places is a high proportion of the voter population in PA. Democrats will always win Pittsburgh's inner city and Allegheny County without any questions, Democrats will always win Philadelphia and inner environs, and they will generally always win other towns like Scranton and Erie. But central PA and the exurban-suburbs are key in PA.
This year they appear to be breaking for Obama. We will find out tomorrow and I'll be up at 6am to vote tomorrow.