Immediate Next Steps:
Of the $500 million estimated total cost for 60 additional streetcars approximately $140 million (or 23%) is funded. When combined with the additional $100 million for the associated facility modifications required to TTC’s Hillcrest facility, there is an incremental funding need of $460 million. Given this, the next immediate steps are outlined below:
Fleet: With existing funding, secure a base order for accelerated delivery of 13 streetcars between Q1 of 2023 and Q1 of 2025. To ensure the earliest possible delivery of additional streetcars with the lowest technical, schedule, and cost risk, a contract change with Bombardier is recommended.
This initial order would ensure capacity matches customer demand on both streetcars and bus routes as it allows for the reallocation of buses currently allocated to supplement service on streetcar routes. The order would also allow for an increase in procurement quantity to a combined total of 60 additional streetcars through contract options should sources of additional funding be identified prior to the end of Q1 of 2021.
Facilities: Advance study of necessary modifications to Hillcrest (currently funded to $2.5 million) to enable storage, maintenance, and delivery of service for up to 25 streetcars.
Secure funding commitment for remaining $97.5 million (placeholder) by Q4 of 2020 (along with remaining funding required for all 60 additional streetcars) to ensure delivery of required facilities infrastructure in time for delivery of the last 25 of 60 streetcars.
Note: The study to be performed at Hillcrest to accommodate additional streetcars is one component consideration in the overall scope of work to determine the highest and best use of the entire Hillcrest complex. Progress against this study is to be reported through a TTC Real Estate Investment Plan.