I think if a good park and ride is built at STC, then it could take some pressure off of the 401 through Scarborough.
How do you figure?
Let's try some math. According to MTO, the average annual daily traffic on the 401 in the Kennedy->Warden area was 350,000 in 2007 (
Let's say we want to get a grand total of 1% of that traffic off the road into your new park and ride. That's 3,500 cars.
How much space will that take?
Say for an average parking space we're looking at about 3x5m. Lets be very conservative an only add an extra 3x2m for that spot's share of the communal areas of the parking lot, so 3x7m = 21m^2 per car.
3,500 cars * 21m^2/car = 73,500m^2 of land required for this parking lot (likely a whole lot more when you account for actual required communal areas, access roads and the like).
How big is that really?
That would be a block of land 250m x 294m.
How does that compare to STC?
A very rough block drawn generally covering the mall at
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4338304 looks to be about 1,000 in circumference or about 250m x 250m or not enough space to park the cars of even 1% of the 401 traffic passing by that spot every day. How much of that green space around STC would you be willing to use for your park and ride? What would be the opportunity cost of using those spaces for parking lots vs having developers pay to develop buildings that pay taxes and generate economic development (you know, to pay for the subway)?
How big a difference would it make to the 401 there to remove that 1% of traffic?
According to http://www.raqsb.mto.gov.on.ca/techpubs/TrafficVolumes.nsf/fa027808647879788525708a004b5df8/b584ea36565db6108525745f006dd90a/$FILE/Provincial%20Highways%20traffic%20Volumes%201988-2007.pdf (page 606), that would about cover the growth in use for two-three years.