Does VIVA have the exact same model of this bus?
TTC has Novabus LFS Smartbuses, Viva has LFX Articulateds. Both members of Novabus's popular LF series.
Contrary to the name badges, the buses are the exact same. The only difference is in some relatively small options.
The difference in windows is particularly noticeable. The LFX has superior side windows compared to the heavy framed LFS, unless that was just a cheaper option the TTC went for?
Anyone know what happened to the plan to roll-out the articulated buses on the 6 Bay route? It seems to have disappeared from the roll-out schedule.
So I have noticed that the VIVA Nova buses have the ability to lean the entire bus to the right, lowering all the doors down rather than just the front, has anyone noticed if the TTC's Nova's can do this as well?
The TTC did not purchase that option.
Even if the TTC deployed POP throughout the bus system, I doubt buses here would have that kind of feature. Another example of artics fully lowering and tilting to the right can be seen with Hamilton Street Railways 60 footers (although they are New Flyer buses and not Nova buses).