4514 is in service on 512 after 9 days
4514 is in service on 512 after 9 days
Only 9 days ? That is quick !
They now know what to look for.
4517 is now tracking, but not 4572 yet. Since 4572 is the first car from Kingston, expect TTC will be spending a lot more time checking 4572 car out to see any different between Kingston and Thunder Bay production lines to worry about.
4515 could enter service between 22-24 at this time
4516 doing an in service test as 301 on King St westbound at Yonge.
Instead of "what is that sound?", it would be "sounds like the front right wheel is loose, better check it and tighten it".
With a slight bit of saucy humour for this time of year might I add...
If a failure occurs so regularly that inspectors can spot it immediately by ear that is not a good thing.
To paraphrase a line from the film Broken Arrow: I don't know which scares me more, that we lost a nuclear weapon or that it happens so often we have a code word for it.
We know 4518 & 19 are in transit, but what other car is TTC supposed to see by year end that been talked about as part of 3 more cars being here by year end by the media??
I was assuming the 3rd car was a Kingston one, but no info to back that up at this time. Every things depends on CP delivering the car to Hillcrest. One could assume BBD is paying a premium to CP to make sure TTC have these cars on their property by Dec 31.It’s still possible for Kingston to load and ship, and have the car here by the 31st. Less likely that CP could collect one from Thunder Bay, as the local switch moves up there seem to require a couple of days before the car gets on the road.
- Paul