Senior Member
Back to the actual topic of this thread, when is the next Flexity delivery expected?
Back to the actual topic of this thread, when is the next Flexity delivery expected?
No. The per-month schedules have been posted in this thread a couple times. We're only expecting 1 delivery for April. It doesn't really accelerate until September; it takes 18+ months to setup an assembly line for automotive; I expect LRV manufacturing isn't much off that.
May. 3 cars due in May.Back to the actual topic of this thread, when is the next Flexity delivery expected?
Considering some might have fare evaded into the station oppose to spending money on a flight ticket, it would be more acceptable. They chances of dragging a person into a chair, smash their nose and get a concussion is nearly impossible from the train to the platform.I say hire the guys working for United. "Sir, I said move away from the door."
May 1st, 15 and 23 could be the time frame for shipment.May. 3 cars due in May.
Queens Quay has a lot of people that try to cross the right of way or bunch up at the crossing after the bike lanes the streetcar drivers use the horn and bell a lot. People seem to think the streetcar right of way is safe crossing zone rather the the railroad that it is. If the city used proper signage to let poel know the streetcar rights of way are in fact a railroad then pole, would probably be more cautious.I frequent Spadina. There is nowhere else in the city where people jump onto tracks with such unbelievable stupidity. It's like they think the curbs between the car lanes and tracks are there to create a pedestrian safety zone in the middle of the street.
WTH? This sentence is entirely incomprehensible to me. You having a stroke - call 911 if you smell toast.Queens Quay has a lot of people the drives use the horn and bell a lot along it too people sometimes will crowd around the pedestrian crossing area after the Bike trail or will wait on the other side of the streetcar right of way for the light to change.
WTH? This sentence is entirely incomprehensible to me. You having a stroke - call 911 if you smell toast.
Thanks Megaton, you're like a wordsmithing magician.I can comprehend it just fine: "Queen's Quay has a lot of people (who come into the path of streetcars) - the drivers use the horn and bell a lot along it, too. People will sometimes crowd around the pedestrian crossing area after the Bike trail (i.e. the pedestrian crossing waiting area is physically located past the bike trail when crossing northbound - this is sometimes too little space, and waiting pedestrians spill over onto the ROW) or will wait on the other side of the streetcar right of way for the light to change (i.e. people will stand on the westbound streetcar track when crossing northbound as it puts them closer to where they're trying to cross, nevermind incoming streetcars).