A few months behind! They were massively behind a few months ago. A few months later, they are a few months even further behind. The key issue, is that they keep making unrealistic promises, month after month.I'm sorry, but I don't equate being a few months behind schedule on a 15-year contract with "incredible incompetence". I really think this is just TTC flexing its muscles and exercising its built-in option to get a huge discount on the units. They're posturing, so the General Public gets mad at Bombardier, not the TTC. A deflection to save face or hide other issues the TTC is dealing with (customer service...).
If they were only a few months behind (as they are on the subway vehicles), it wouldn't be incredible incompetence. It's the continuing month-after-month blatant lies and deception that's incredibly incompetent.
I'm not sure why you think this particular contractor should be treated differently than others who screw up massively.
All they have to do to get out of this, is to simply do what they have already said they'd do. Start churning out streetcars every 5 days. They've even said they'll go beyond this and catch up on the recent delays, early in the new year. If they are so competent, this should be easy for them.