Its 2015 and 4405 has miss another shipping date as well the rest of the fleet.
Was surprised that TTC gave out the end of the month time frame for the last write up by the Star or was that Christmas week? When I saw that date, I said I will believe it when the car is on a CP train heading to Toronto.
I was wrong on my date when we would see 4405 caused by this delay and will be interesting to see if 4406 shows up this month as noted by me months ago.
With the Pan Am games 6 months away, TTC could have 6-18 more cars on line to help with the moving of visitors to our city for the games let alone visiting us.
TTC needs to find the best cars that will hang around for another 10 years that are worth the extra cost and time to refurbish them by putting them in the shop now. Those cars should hang around longer as tourist cars roaming the system like the PCC.
With this delay, how many free streetcars will TTC get from the next order?