Eglinton and Sheppard will continue as planned. Metrolinx and Province are carrying through with this one...
The dreams of these becoming subways are just that.. dreams.. otherwise, Ford would be losing tax payer's money in the millions.. and then spending MORE to try and send things back to the drawing board EA stage adding years/decades to the new plans.
So, the same deal still applies.. get these lines that are funded done? or nothing. Thats not to say the other unfunded TC lines aren't dead... most likely they won't see the light of day with no one pushing for them. (Unless metrolin keeps on it)
You're assuming that McGuinty is relaxing in his living room and not bitting his nails over next year election...
You're assuming that by sheer principle,he'll let Metrolinx plan go on even it means pissing off Scarborough and North York. Most of Ontario that are already tired of him...why not add the Liberal Toronto to the list
You're assuming that he will risk loosing "liberal" Toronto who just elected a very conservative guy
You're assuming he won't do what's necessary to hold on to power...
Lastly, you're assuming that McGuinty is not a politician and he's a man of principle...
You assume too much...
He's a politician...Staying in power is what matters and with Ford's victory, taking Toronto's vote for granted is beyond stupid and naive. (Ask Smitherman)
Telling Torontonian that you're the reason that their not getting their subways, that they voted for and always (very huge consensus) wanted to have WILL NOT WIN YOU VOTES...
Despite what you're saying, he knows that, his advisers know it, Ford know it.
Huge consensus in this city (those against it in this thread...sorry, you're part of the minority)
Going against it is going against the majority of Torontonians
At least Miller could made it happened by saying a vote for him is a vote for TC and he won decisively last time
Those days are gone.
Mayor Vaillancourt of Laval promised the subway for years. It was never a priority on the governments radar. Once Jean Charest became the Liberal leader in Quebec, the PQ got nervous and made it a priority....They promised it, they went over budget by over 700 millions and they didn't care. They won the election. Later the liberal delivered it because cancelling it would have been suicide. Last election, Laval saved the Liberals from the ADQ (Quebec conservative)