Developer: Canderel Residential
Address: 460 Yonge Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2019
Height: 651 ft / 198.42 mStoreys: 62 storeys
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Toronto YC Condos -- Yonge at College | 198.42m | 62s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

It's not that messy inside, all things considered. If you truly want "messy", go into the Dineen Building at Yonge + Temperance.
The College Park building would make a great base for a giant highrise, eh? To complete the block that ugly M-H office tower must come down for another monster or two.

M-H ain't comin' down but I couldn't agree more, a high-end highrise above College Park that would use real stone to match the base & art deco design (no, I'm not stoned!). OK, I'm dreaming but it's fun to dream sometimes.
Canderel has bought the building but, judging by the new "For Lease: Office and Retail" sign on the north wall, it looks like they've acquired it simply to become the new commercial landlord, not to develop it. No development proposal was submitted at the time of sale. This is likely since commercial property management is Canderel's business.
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No it's probably because they think the condo market in the area is over-heated. In addition, developers ultimately are all buddies--they wanna ensure Centrecourt Dev's success before they proceed with this site.

Yeah, also 22 million dollars seems pretty high to purchase a property that they would have no intention to develop..this is going to happen and will be tall, they're just sitting back with this one and playing the wait and see game.:)
They just bought the property. It could be five years before construction begins. No harm in keeping rental income in the meanwhile. I'm sure they are not signing long term leases that can't be broken.
One should be blind not to see the urban development is finally grvitates tovard the Yonge St. Downtown section...
Yeah, also 22 million dollars seems pretty high to purchase a property that they would have no intention to develop..this is going to happen and will be tall, they're just sitting back with this one and playing the wait and see game.:)

I think it's part of an assembly which could easily work like so;

use Oddfellows for desity transfer
9 Grenville is just a parking lot
14 to 22 College just old low-rise apartments (or office)

This would provide a fantastic lot from which to launch a great edifice at an outstanding location while providing great Path access.

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What did you think this forum was? The nuke Toronto and rebuild ugly super-talls for kicks forum?

Nobody is nuking anything, just replacing it with something better...and regarding ugly supertalls (300, 400, 500 meters) i have yet to hear about one or see one in this town.
Just dont get it:confused:......People here in Toronto are calling anything over 180 meter buildings, supertalls.:D
