Toronto X2 Condominiums | 160.93m | 49s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

I still mourn the loss of those beautiful Victorian houses that once stood where X2 will soon rise, especially considering that X2's van der Rohe-inspired simple look is so harmonious with other styles of architecture.
Me too. I recently mentioned in another thread that Charles Street has lost over a dozen Victorians in the last 4 or 5 years, I think there's only three or four left now. Onwards and upwards I guess...
I still mourn the loss of those beautiful Victorian houses that once stood where X2 will soon rise, especially considering that X2's van der Rohe-inspired simple look is so harmonious with other styles of architecture.

Its to bad, but then again if some developer came to me and offered me 1.5 million bucks cash for my 1917 eduardian home in Parkdale i know i would take the money and run and wouldnt care less what they would do with the house.
Its to bad, but then again if some developer came to me and offered me 1.5 million bucks cash for my 1917 eduardian home in Parkdale i know i would take the money and run and wouldnt care less what they would do with the house.

Sad but true. However there is some consolation in the fact that there will be a handsome building standing here in a few years.
Toronto has lost relatively few historic buildings in this building boom. There are hundreds of teardowns in this city, but they usually are inflicted upon mid-century bungalows in Lawrence Park when somebody decides to build a stucco Monster Home. Closer to downtown, the Victorians are pretty safe from condo towers.
from today's Daily Commercial News, posted with the usual caveat....looks like excavation may still be a few weeks away....

X2 Condo, 580 Jarvis St, Charles St E, M4Y 2H9

$60,000,000 est
Start: July, 2011 Complete: February, 2013

Note: Demolition of existing buildings is complete. Shoring and excavation are anticipated early April, 2011.
Sub trade tenders will be issued sequentially as needed to an Invited list, beginning March, 2011. Structural construction start is expected July, 2011. All Sub trades will be secured late June/early July, 2011. Further update late June, 2011.

Fluent Engineering Inc is the LEED Consultant.
Project: concrete foundation, structural steel frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed environmentally friendly construction of a condominium building containing 552 units, the project will include construction of a six-storey podium. Approximately 11,200 sq ft of retail space will be provided in a six at grade level units. This will be a 49-storey structure with 6-storeys of below grade parking. The project will include demolition of the existing office building on site. This project will target LEED NC-1.0 Certification.

Scope: 49,000 m²; 49 storeys; 6 storeys below grade; 552 units; parking for 373 cars; 1 acres
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services; Recreational bldgs
They dug up a 60 or 80 foot section along the north end of the site. I wonder if this is exploratory digging or the beginning of excavation? I can't recall if they pounded those things into the ground around the perimeter of the site or not (I forget what that's called).

False alarm. The heavy equipment has been removed from the site and the trench along the north end of the site filled back in again. Hopefully things will start to happen here around April.
False alarm. The heavy equipment has been removed from the site and the trench along the north end of the site filled back in again. Hopefully things will start to happen here around April.

It may be sooner than that. They appear to be assembling some type of crane on-site today, and there is now a trailer/office on site.
Taken today [February/15/2011]


Drilling / shoring equipment is being assembled on site today. My guess is they will have started the process by the end of the week.
The ANCHOR crane is up and sitting in the South West corner of the site. There is also, what looks to be a pile driving rig, to the East of the site. It seems they are getting all the equipment on site for excavation, which may begin a month earlier.
A few site updates today. It's beginning!

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