Toronto X2 Condominiums | 160.93m | 49s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

I'm not sure if I like it. It looks too Jenga-ish to me. I'd need to see a proper render to really get an idea of what they're planning
greatlife would of sounded better ... definitely seen a few peculiar company names for develpment projects ... "fat men" comes to mind
Google GreatLife in any permutation and you'll get lots of company names popping up - they might have run into a trademark quagmire if they tried to use that name.

Interesting that a twin of X is not being proposed: it's further indication that X's sales have not been as robust as Great Gulf had hoped.

AlvinofDiaspar: Can you tell me how to access community council docs? I checked the May 6th meeting dates but nothing is posted yet! Thanks!

A hard page to find, actually. There's a lag between what's posted on this page (which is the planning page), and on the actual council committee meeting schedules page (which is divided into weeks). The former tends to get posted before the latter. Type "planning" into the search engine at the city website, click on the first link, then click on "Agendas and meeting minutes" on the menu on the left.
Insert Mr Wallman's creation here:

For what it's worth, here are the north and east elevations from the report:

I really don't understand most of you guys / gals...
What can you possibly get out of that picture ... it could be beautiful or ugly as heck. Maybe it's just me and you all have amazing imaginations and can foresee what the final product will be.

If you have a problem with boxes then I understand ... unless it's looking like the L tower you won't like it.
This is one case where materials and finish will make or break the project's looks. (Of course they are always important, but this design depends on them.)

I need to see a render before deciding if I like this building or not. Will its skin be original in its appearance, or is it just another condo tower? It's impossible to say from just the elevations. (Although I do like the staggered units.)
Thanks so much for that Wylie.

I like how this new tower is massed towards the back of the site to minimize view loss up and down Jarvis.

Re: Couture. I can't help but find this building stubby and unattractive. No matter what way I look at it, I just can't get excited.
