Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

Jan. 16th Update

Mme. X from my POV, last night at 1am & today at 4pm.
Forgive the crooked night shot, my tripod isn't high enough to clear the new glass railings so I had to balance the camera on an uneven support column.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.


Please repeat the night photo once X is finished. It would be greatly appreciated. It's a great shot and worth updating once that spectacular tower fully occupied.
Another video profile, this time of X Condominium.

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Please repeat the night photo once X is finished. It would be greatly appreciated. It's a great shot and worth updating once that spectacular tower fully occupied.

I sure will.
Jan 16-10






X video on Youtube

Another video profile, this time of X Condominium.

The video itself is not bad...some good shots of X but what is with the Indian music? Does not fit in at all. If this was a condo in Mumbai or Delhi sure..but come on..some contemporary music to suit the building's architecture/style/location...(this also is not Gerrard St east..!). Even the music on X's original website video is better suited to the building.
Although i think the buiding is nice, it just reminds me too much of an office building.

AKA: Toronto Dominion Centre!

I agree, this simple design with few balconies does remind me of a "toronto dominion centre" type of office tower...

And with X2 on the way, its gonna be like the Toronto Dominion centre!
