Toronto Woodbine Racetrack Ancillary Facilities Building | 14.5m | 2s | Woodbine Ent | DIALOG

Woodbine is already a tourist attraction as it is one of the more popular race tracks in North America although as the report indicated it seems to be in a very slow decline.

This project would be absolutely great for the area ... yes the location is unfortunate but it's already there and on top of that we can't just forget about parts of the city we now consider the ghetto...

I'd be very surprised if the office component actually takes off but maybe with some more tax incentives it may work really well. If I were to guess office rents in this area are probably lower then that near the Airport where most of the new office space is going so it could actually work well..

I really hope this project takes off and soon.
Remember that it's the casino slots part--the most inherently "ghetto" part--that probably pays the most bills at Woodbine these days...
Its not that ghetto...

it nothing worse then Scarborough.

Actually imo Eglinton west of the Allen looks like a real ghetto street.
I think using the word "ghetto" this way is ruining the term and moving it further and further away from it's original meaning. (Quelle surprise)
I think using the word "ghetto" this way is ruining the term and moving it further and further away from it's original meaning. (Quelle surprise)

Clearly you've never spent more than 5 minutes in Rexdale lol. That or never got out of the car while there. Woodbine Centre doesn't count. Neither does the slots.
I am very familiar with Rexdale and yes the word 'ghetto' has no relevance.
And that, in the end, is the point.

You know, there's something very classically "Toronto The Good" about how you have to go all the way to these boondocks for casino slots, i.e. a casino not as a tourist draw, but as a place of last resort. Sort of like the way other cities have banished their Greyhound depots to tin sheds in the suburbs because they don't want downtown depots as magnets for vagrants, drug dealings and crime...
And that, in the end, is the point.

You know, there's something very classically "Toronto The Good" about how you have to go all the way to these boondocks for casino slots, i.e. a casino not as a tourist draw, but as a place of last resort.

That made me laugh. A very adroit observation.
...and in the end, when it comes to urban health, which would you rather have banished to the burbs? Slots, or Greyhound?

Maybe it's fortuitous that Greenwood was torn down a few years before it could get "slotted" (and the present replacement betting facility contains no such provision AFAIK)
I would be very interested buying a condo in that area,not really because of location because I love to gamble and so does all my friends,if they allow betting for all sports I sign up for the VIP showing asap.I will "bet" ALOT of elderly couples will consider this project also because %75 of the betters on the slots machines seem to be over 50 years old.;)
I would be very interested buying a condo in that area,not really because of location because I love to gamble and so does all my friends,if they allow betting for all sports I sign up for the VIP showing asap.I will "bet" ALOT of elderly couples will consider this project also because %75 of the betters on the slots machines seem to be over 50 years old.;)

check out my thread , its about the area and future housing developments , I'm also interested in buying that area
so because an area sucks, we should not do anything to make it better.

What brilliant thinking...

Lets just screw Regent Park and Jamestown and let them rot.
Who says building this stuff is making it better? Personally more gambling in the area I think will make it worse.
I would be very interested buying a condo in that area,not really because of location because I love to gamble and so does all my friends,if they allow betting for all sports I sign up for the VIP showing asap.I will "bet" ALOT of elderly couples will consider this project also because %75 of the betters on the slots machines seem to be over 50 years old.;)

And/or Asian.
