Toronto Women's College Hospital | 70.1m | 10s | P.E.B.

Not only is the stonework here horrible but, as I'm sure we've been over a million times, we lost the original Toronto General Hospital here. For this? What a loss...
At Bridgepoint there is evidence of thought throughout.

At Women's College, the thought ends with "stone goes on that wall".

If this were the normal for stone, no one would use it. How do you spend what it takes to clad a building in stone but then fail to hire qualified installers? What a waste of a beautiful material.

If I remember correctly, that stone was actually the facing on a precast panel system fabricated off-site, so I'm not sure how that is the fault of the installer. More like a procurement fault, IMO.
In my complaint about the installation, I am meaning to include the people in the process who chose to put which panels of stone where… the obvious failure being that there was no-one looking at all of the stone that was delivered, and grading it so as to balance it out across the walls in some way. The only place there's any evidence of that is close to the front doors where none of the pieces are a mess.

If you're going to buy stone that lacks uniformity, then someone's got to be in charge of bringing some sort of order to it all.

I love hospitals but I hate this one! I don't even like to walk past it. How the hell did something this depressing get built in such a prime area? What a shame!
It has a very appealing interior. You might have a lot of people working here voting for it.

My kids were born in the old hospital and like other, this is a joke now.

The precast panel really kill it. The landscaping is fine as well the entrance and the colour glazing.

I have yet to be inside and will have to do that next year.

The voting was fix for it to come in at #2 in the voting.
