Developer: Toronto Transit Commission, Waterfront Toronto
Architect: Arcadis
Address: Front Street & Bay Street, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

Maybe they need to redesign it to accommodate the DRL running through Union?
This is sad. Why wouldn't they be moving ahead?

That now makes two of the four projects that our Prime Minister (Chretien), our Premier (Harris) and our Mayor (Lastman) told us were fully funded and would be ready in time for the 2008 Olympics....wether or not the Olympics were given to us......that have now been cancelled.

Little wonder we don't take political promises seriously.....strange, however, that we expect the world to and act surprise when events go elsewhere.
That now makes two of the four projects that our Prime Minister (Chretien), our Premier (Harris) and our Mayor (Lastman) told us were fully funded and would be ready in time for the 2008 Olympics....wether or not the Olympics were given to us......that have now been cancelled.

Little wonder we don't take political promises seriously.....strange, however, that we expect the world to and act surprise when events go elsewhere.

Never take politicians at their word. It happens all the time when you see politicians get together to announce their "contribution" in some international conference. They will announce x million dollars, but - rarely if ever is that the real number since often some other donors conference comes up before the money is spent and the politicians can get up on stage for another one and promise aid.... but the fact is often it comes at the expense of previous contributions (money not spent). Most if not all countries do this sort of stuff.
This is from the September 8th CEO Report to Waterfront Toronto:

Union Station Second Platform – The TTC has closed tendering for the construction of the Union Station Second Platform. Submissions were received from three prequalified contractors, and TTC expects to formally award the contract in September, subject to commission approval and to Provincial Government sign-off of a Contribution Agreement, which increases the funding limit and extends the required completion date.

Maybe the "contribution agreement" still needs to be sorted out but as the Union Station work is critical to the Queen's Quay East LRT and increasing the passenger flow through Union Station I doubt it's dead - the Pan-Am Games approach!.
Cancelled = Dead unfortunately. Seems to be the way of things in this city. Remember Network 2011? We should have been riding the DRL next year, not having pipe dreams of it now.
Look at the bright side: At least this time it was the TTC screwing up (underestimating the cost), and not some stupid politician coming in thinking they know better, and cancelling the whole thing. Just be thankful we aren't in New Jersey, where the Governor recently announced that the new tunnel under the Hudson, doubling the capacity from NJ to Penn Station, has been axed. Now THAT would suck. This is just a bump in the road by comparison.
Well that's probably a six month delay, even if they do retender this week. Maybe with so many stimulus projects ending next winter they'll catch a lucky break on pricing.
Realistically, there's no way of now knowing what's going to happen with stimulus funding given the current state of the economy. Another month or two of bad numbers and turning the stimulus taps off may suddenly become anathema.
Well that's probably a six month delay, even if they do retender this week. Maybe with so many stimulus projects ending next winter they'll catch a lucky break on pricing.

I doubt it is actually a long delay as there were two pre-selected bidders and I think that most of the work will be the same. The question is whether even the cut and cover method will be cheap enough to be within budget.
I'm all for larger disruptions if they allow things to be completed faster.
