Toronto Union Subway Station: Second Platform and Concourse Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC | Arcadis

No. Having a hollow under the platform edge allows anyone falling onto the tracks an escape or safety zone, should they fall or pushed down onto the tracks.

Does anyone even know what a third rail is? It appears that it is not posted with any high voltage signs or made with "danger" colours (red). If someone fell on the tracks would they actually take refuge under the platform or just try to climb out. With a side platform arrangement, the instinct might be to go to the middle beside a column.

or they could us an overhang. its not ideal, so they prefer to avoid it but I wouldn't say its not impossible to use.

I imagine you are describing a metal frame that hangs down from the platform to prevent access under it. I would guess that other cities have multi-door access to the trains and have already solved this concern.
Dec 5



Jan 1
They have removed most of the existing stair and escalators and put in temporarily stairs in their place.

The nosing edge has been added to the exposed new platform. The platform looks a lot narrow than the renderings and plans.

They have the re-bar in place for the road at Bay and should be pour in the next week or so. I expect the current crosswalk will shift west over it so they can do work on the east side as well shifting traffic.

The new stair on the east side to the moat should be open by the end of the month and will see the removal of the temporary stairs.






Will the 3rd rail be moved to the other side? I've been to cities where the 3rd is on the same side of the platform, but it seems like a safety issue to me.
Echoing drum's comments, I was also surprised at how narrow the west end of the platform appears to be. Clearly anything would be an improvement on what we have now, but I was expecting something much more spacious than that.

Platform width is far less of an issue than increase in the capacity of the stairs/escalators - that's what will prevent overcrowding more than anything else. The millions spent on it is a necessity from conditions that are way beyond capacity - not just mere congestion.

Will the 3rd rail be moved to the other side? I've been to cities where the 3rd is on the same side of the platform, but it seems like a safety issue to me.

If it is unsafe, does that mean that a "Spanish solution" is only used in backwards, uncivilized countries that do not respect passenger safety/

Platform width is far less of an issue than increase in the capacity of the stairs/escalators - that's what will prevent overcrowding more than anything else. The millions spent on it is a necessity from conditions that are way beyond capacity - not just mere congestion.


Having more access to/from platform is a major issues with all the stations, but more so with Union, Bloor and St George. Union does fix the problem some what, but still needs more.

Regardless of the extra stairs, the platform will still be overcrowded with people standing on the stairs which in turn become a door blocking riders getting off the trains.

Union will be over capacity until the DRL get built in some future decades or century.

What would have been nice to see is a number of exit tunnels to Union Station only, as it would cut down on the volume using the stairs and for people who work in the area.
Will the platform itself stay exposed to the surface like that? Because that would be pretty cool (though I suppose a bit impractical).
