Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

Likely so - though you could dig a LONG way into the various documents about both the TTC and Metrolinx Bombardier vehicles and never find a reference that they were sent for cold-weather testing to a facility in Ottawa!
Or anywhere, perhaps, save for Kingston and Thunder-Bay perhaps?

But what does that have to do with the Sharyo's *not being tested in Canada at all!*? And they were only tested in the US for the waiver to use them in Sonoma.

I'll make you a deal: You post reference and/or links to the Sharyos being tested in Canada, let alone cold weather tested anywhere (even in Japan) then we'll discuss the details.

Here's a glimpse...for *signals*:
Re: Nippon Sharyo/Sumitomo DMU
by dowlingm » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:52 pm
Metrolinx tested the lead DMUs in Toronto's Lakeshore West this weekend to validate them against the signalling system. They intend to test on the Lakeshore East line tomorrow.

This picture ... 2688231424 is taken showing the DMU at VIA Rail's Toronto Maintenance Centre. Metrolinx have opted to have VIA look after maintenance on the DMUs, which makes sense on several levels, not least that VIA has some Budd DMUs and an all high floor fleet, while Metrolinx' Willowbrook yard (in the background, across the mainline) is all locohaul low floor bilevels.

Here's a close up shot of the DMU: ... 239531712/

More photos and tweets about the UPX DMU tests can be found using the hashtag #trackthetrains
dowlingm Posts: 1138Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:42 pmLocation: Toronto, ON
Re: Nippon Sharyo/Sumitomo DMU
by dowlingm » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:38 pm
Four more DMUs arrived in Savannah recently so there may be more Rock Island testing after Rochelle does their fit-out. They look like they might be flat end cars. ... 04/photo/1
dowlingm Posts: 1138Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:42 pmLocation: Toronto, ON
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I'll make you a deal: You post reference and/or links to the Sharyos being tested in Canada, let alone cold weather tested anywhere (even in Japan) then we'll discuss the details.
So if I don't post a reference or link, I don't have to here these details I didn't raise or ask for!

Challenge accepted!
So if I don't post a reference or link, I don't have to here these details I didn't raise or ask for!

Challenge accepted!
You took my references to task with none of your own. That renders your rationale moot, save for ego. And I'm afraid you can protest all you like, ego doesn't make your case.

You're obviously unable to show any link or reference to the Nippon Sharyos being cold weather tested. You fail the challenge. I note you didn't resort to the "copyright" excuse this time. That's progress of a sort...



Of course, we'll never know from Metrolinx what the problem was, what fixed it, if fixed at all, and if it will happen again. Unless it's reported in the US Press, like all of the other major Nippon Sharyo problems.

Nothing to see here folks! Move right along, just do as you're told, and don't ask questions...
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You took my references to task with none of your own. That renders your rationale moot, save for ego. And I'm afraid you can protest all you like, ego doesn't make your case.
??? I entered the discussion by simply responding to your post that contained no references and agreeing with you, making a side-comment.

I don't even see a reference ... let alone one I took to task. Gosh, I agreed with you too ... perhaps you need to slow down and read the posts!
I don't even see a reference ... perhaps you need to slow down and read the posts!
There's quite a few references listed and linked. If you don't "see" them then "perhaps you need to slow down and read the posts!" Good to know that you "agree".
I can't imagine for a minute that Sheppard West ridership really increased by almost a thousand riders from 40,640 to 41,600 at the former terminus when they extended the line. With 20,000 alone riding the 196 York University Rocket that suggests that the remaining ridership doubled! It's quite clear that someone inserted 2017 pre-extension numbers into that 2018 table!

I don't think nor believe it increased by a thousand as well. Sheppard West I really doubt, and I agree, maybe someone was messing around the numbers from pre-2017 to post-2017.
There's quite a few references listed and linked. If you don't "see" them then "perhaps you need to slow down and read the posts!" Good to know that you "agree".
I apologize for agreeing with you. I never meant for you to take offence. I promise not to do it again!
One would think that cold weather testing would be part of the contract.
You'd think! I'm still going through all the background I can find on the Nippon-Sharyos, and the shoe dropped when (and this *appears* contrary to Metrolinx claims, who claimed (IIRC) "The order is piggybacked on (SMART's) to Sumitomo".

Evidently, as I read some sources, the Metrolinx order was with SMART, not with Sumitomo, albeit I'm still digging to find some documents now no longer up on the web. Even Metrolinx referred to (gist)"SMART is the buying agent".

But consider this:
The $56 million contract with Sumitomo Corp. gives SMART the option to buy up to 80 train units, well more than the agency needs, Mansourian said.

SMART has added revenue by selling 12 train car options to a rail authority in Canada. On Wednesday, the agency sold another option to the TriMet Transportation District of Portland, Ore., for $100,000.

I've read other references to (gist) "SMART selling the units to Metrolinx". Still digging, but meantime, before I lose these links: - CCRS_Draft_Final_Report_2016-05-19.pdf

I dug deeply on this prior in this string. My interest was piqued by a poster who operated the DMUs :

I can't get the forum software to link an alert for that name now, had to dig back to find it.

Metrolinx *may* have essentially bought 'second hand' (in terms of ownership, not physically used) units certified only for FRA specs as they pertained to SMART's operation. Metrolinx may have bought a 'clement weather' vehicle not FRA certified for northern climate use. The FRA mandated further requirements on both the vehicles and line before it would grant the licence to operate. There's more details on this I won't detail here an now.

There's a reason Metrolinx has systemically been erasing any background information or claims (Like electrification, completely disappeared now) for this model.

Some excerpts of that 'disappeared' info is still on UT's server though! They've been quoted, some at length, prior in this forum. I've never had luck with on-site search engines, and Google is showing a lot for this string *with the right tags to exclude many other strings*. If you're savvy with the UT on-site search, you'll find a lot of gems. It might be time to 'bounce them up' again.
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GO has lots of blowers on various switches. Are all switches on the high-frequency lines (Lakeshore & UPX) equipped with blowers? Or should this be another unforeseen expense needed when/if they roll out higher frequencies on the various lines?

Virtually every switch that could be used by a GO or UPX train now has a heater on it, either propane or electrically powered. They used to use cold-air blowers, but they weren't quite as effective at keeping the points clear.

See link.

UP Express rider charged $171.26 extra after confusion over duelling Presto machines

When Terry Hamilton first moved to the Mount Dennis neighbourhood last December and realized he could commute to his office downtown using the Union Pearson Express, he was thrilled.

The 15-minute ride to Union Station from the stop at Weston was not only quick, but travelling on the “absolutely fantastic” airport rail service made him feel like he was in “a completely different city” than the one he experienced while captive to the crowded TTC bus and subway, Hamilton said.
But after a few weeks of commuting bliss he noticed something troubling. He was running up charges on his Presto fare card much faster than he expected. Each trip from Weston to Union was supposed to cost $5.02, but some days he was being charged several times that.

Hamilton called Presto customer service and was shocked to discover what the problem was — he was being deceived by duplicate fare card machines.

Most UP Express stations are served by both UP Express trains and GO Transit trains, and there are two different types of Presto card readers installed on the platforms: a green one for GO Transit customers, and a silver one for UP Express riders.

If customers tap their fare card on the wrong one, they can be charged for both a UP Express fare and GO Transit fare for a single trip.

^when the fare change happened I recall tweets and press releases saying the two different tap machines were temporary until the airport got integrated into the main system.....they seem to have given up on that notion
