We will have to see. Me thinks that Mike Sullivan is more radical than the Westonites as a whole. That might have been a huge asset when the community needed to be organized - a firebrand would be the one willing to invest the time and effort needed to organize the community.
Of course, continuing a strong campaign might leverage a few more concessions, or at the least, be the devil's advocate and ensure the right questions are asked.
Lets remember, those concessions are being levered out of the rest of us......there is no endless pot of money.....the Westonites having increased the public cost of this project (while the private sector operator has to make the single concession of stopping at Weston {presumably so their trains can get egged}) have sucked money that might have been available for other projects.
Let's not make the mistake of thinking that they have wrangled money from anyone other than other projects.