Toronto Union Park | 303.26m | 58s | Oxford Properties | Pelli Clarke Pelli


That was a joke...right?

I guess he hasn't been to those cities yet??

Been there and no way this casino will make Toronto look like them by a long shot. To do that, the glass buildings must go as a start.

I don't understand why Toronto has to look like any other city....Why should buildings make us look like more of one city or another. ^Toronto will never look

like that because it does not have the mountains or the desire to be like that. Toronto will be Toronto no matter what it builds.

Don't build to look like other cities but build to make other cities want to look like us.

That is what it means to set the bar and become a world class city. A casino may do wondrous or disastrous things to our city but whatever it does,

it will still be Toronto and only make it more "Toronto"
I don't understand why Toronto has to look like any other city....Why should buildings make us look like more of one city or another. ^Toronto will never look

like that because it does not have the mountains or the desire to be like that. Toronto will be Toronto no matter what it builds.

Don't build to look like other cities but build to make other cities want to look like us.

That is what it means to set the bar and become a world class city. A casino may do wondrous or disastrous things to our city but whatever it does,

it will still be Toronto and only make it more "Toronto"

Totally agree, why do we always have to compare ourselves to other great cities like an insecure teenager? There is only one Toronto, as there is only one Paris, London, NYC, etc....each one unique and special in its own way. I'm very proud of this city, we offer an eclectic mix of old and new, short and tall, and an ethnic diversity unlike any other city in the world! Where else can you have a taste from every major country on the planet without ever having to leave the city? When my buddy John from NYC brought his family here last summer for vacation, his little guy, who 4, couldn't wait to say, and I quote "Uncle Eric Uncle Eric, we just went to China, there was Chinese people everywhere, and none of the people in the restaurant could speak English!!" I nearly feel off my chair laughing, John took the kids to China Town, and they were convinced they were in another country, so cute, and so typical of hat makes this city so unique. I've never had an out of town friend not comment on our amazing diversity, not to mention our ever changing skyline. Seems we don't get as much press as other big cities, but that's going to change fast as we enter an era of extreme grow and public media awareness.
Most mid to large cities in North America have a 'Chinatown'. How is this unique to Toronto in any way... or diversity for that matter??

No. Toronto is unique but the reasons you cite are not why it is.
Most mid to large cities in North America have a 'Chinatown'. How is this unique to Toronto in any way... or diversity for that matter??

No. Toronto is unique but the reasons you cite are not why it is.

All these Chinatowns, Little Italy, Koreatowns etc. are nothing special in big North American cities. It doesn't reflect Toronto's uniqueness at all. For example if you go to LA, there is downtown Chinatown, on the east there are a few cities which are predominantly Chinese such as Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Alhambra etc, just like Markham. NYC has essentially 6 Chinatowns, Chicago, Boston, Houston, Philadelphia even Montreal/Ottawa have chinatowns.
Almost all major NA cities are very diverse. Only those who have never visited another city think it is a big deal.
All these Chinatowns, Little Italy, Koreatowns etc. are nothing special in big North American cities. It doesn't reflect Toronto's uniqueness at all. For example if you go to LA, there is downtown Chinatown, on the east there are a few cities which are predominantly Chinese such as Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Alhambra etc, just like Markham. NYC has essentially 6 Chinatowns, Chicago, Boston, Houston, Philadelphia even Montreal/Ottawa have chinatowns.
Almost all major NA cities are very diverse. Only those who have never visited another city think it is a big deal.

Ok then, what, exactly, do you think make us unique? Sure, every city has a china town, Korea town, little Italy or Greek town, but not like ours, that spans entire city neighbourhoods. Next to San Fran, we have the biggest china town in North America, but that's only part of what makes this city great. You guys seem so eager to shoot down a positive post faster then it can be posted, lighten up, and if you're going to argue, then please, enlighten us all, what makes us great? Our towers? Every city has towers, our beaches?, many cities have's not one thing in particular that defines us as a great city, but all the little things combined. Perhaps our sheer size plays a role, our mixed demographic, having 49% native to Toronto does indeed make us one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world, that in itself makes us stand apart, but please, do tell, what do you think makes us unique and special?
Ok then, what, exactly, do you think make us unique? Sure, every city has a china town, Korea town, little Italy or Greek town, but not like ours, that spans entire city neighbourhoods. Next to San Fran, we have the biggest china town in North America, but that's only part of what makes this city great.

I know Vancouver has a much larger chinatown than Toronto, so that would make the above statement incorrect. I would find it hard to believe that SF and Vancouver are the only ones in North America that are larger than ours
Who cares? It is just one thing that makes Toronto better as a city. There is no need to start comparing every stat and figure with other cities. And Toronto does have a unique Chinatown because it is more "asian" than most other chinatowns, where you would only find Chinese. In Toronto you have Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, just as much as Chinese. Btw, as to what someMidTowner said, yes Vancouver has a bigger Chinatown but it has shrunk a good deal ever since bars and restaurants have been taking over.
What is it about the word 'unique' that is unclear? Chinatown/diversity are not 'unique' to Toronto. Next!
Most mid to large cities in North America have a 'Chinatown'. How is this unique to Toronto in any way... or diversity for that matter??

No. Toronto is unique but the reasons you cite are not why it is.

Oh trust me, ethnic restaurants, spaced out all around the city, IS unique to Toronto. I just got back recently from a road trip through the USA, from Milwaukee, all the way down to New Orleans and back up through Florida and Atlanta. We stopped at all the biggest cities along the way and none of them had anything like the variety or amount of ethnic restaurants, that we take for granted, all around Toronto. (not just downtown) Go to Atlanta, New Orleans, Nashville, Milwaukee or Louisville and try to find a chicken shawarma. It's seemingly impossible to find. (well, it was for me) I was so sick of southern food after a week, I searched high and low for something ethic and I was shit out of luck.

Not only that but it's amazing how much more vibrant Toronto is than any place I went and yes, that includes Chicago. The vibe here is unique and the ethnic makeup of the population, is also unique. It's not just that but it's the way we mix. It's totally different than anywhere else, outside of Canada. I can't really explain what it is but America feels so much more segregated and divided, which is something that just doesn't sit well with me. The more I travel, the more I appreciate the gritty streets of Toronto. (especially the food!)
Maybe the lack of ethnic dining in the States has something to do with the subliminal "tyranny of chains", too--plus, maybe, that in an echo of Toronto, the biggest concentrations of "ethnics" are in places tourists don't typically go, y'know, ethnoObamaburbia, etc...
