Toronto U of T: UTSC Instructional Centre | ?m | 4s | U of T | Diamond Schmitt


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Apr 22, 2010
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An Instructional Centre is being built at the University of Toronto Scarborough, marking an exciting new phase of campus expansion and a bold new addition to a campus that already boasts internationally celebrated architecture. With an expected completion date of March 2011, the new facility will support the emergence of UTSC as a vital hub for cultural and intellectual activity in the eastern region of the Greater Toronto Area.


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Here's more from the press release above, that seeks to award a commission for art for this new building:

The Instructional Centre will be a major, publicly accessible building at UTSC and will integrate community life with the campus. The building will house high-quality classrooms; research, teaching and computer labs; staff and faculty offices; and study spaces. The site selected for the Instructional Centre — the intersection of Military Trail and Ellesmere Road — will become the core for activity on an expanded north campus. Planned mixed-use facilities located at the street level and near-by will include: retail shops, restaurants, cafés, an athletics complex, and a stop for Light-Rail Rapid Transit (LRT), creating a highly animated street front that will be attractive to students as well as to the community.

This major infrastructure project provides UTSC with an opportunity to commission a permanent, public artwork to be installed in the four-storey atrium of the building. The atrium itself, and the public space surrounding it, will be a meeting point, study area, and a spatial organizer for the building. The project budget is 175,000 USD, which includes all fabrication and installation costs and fees. Construction of the building is underway and is expected to be complete by March 2011.

This inaugural, major public art commission furthers UTSC's ongoing commitment to contemporary art. As evidenced by the recent announcement of UTSC's participation in the 2015 Pan and Parapan American games, the University of Toronto Scarborough continues to reach an increasingly international audience.

The above, and more detail, can be found here.

From UTSC at the time of groundbreaking:


Groundbreaking & Street Celebration at University of Toronto Scarborough
September 24, 2009

On September 24th, the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) marks a new beginning when it breaks ground for the construction of its new $78 million Instructional Centre. As the largest building construction since UTSC first opened in 1964, the Centre will increase UTSC’s academic facilities by approximately 25%, providing important relief to current space shortages on campus.

The new Centre will also be the first building constructed in UTSC’s north campus area, an area slated for the next major wave of campus expansion. UTSC has experienced a 100% increase in its student population since 2001. Situated in one of Canada’s fastest growing regions, the university is now planning ahead for further enrolment expansion and to be a driving force for economic and cultural growth in the eastern GTA. The new Instructional Centre will be a symbolic gateway to welcome students, partners and the community to the UTSC campus.

The 13,990 sq metre Centre, funded through the $70 million investment from the federal‐provincial Knowledge Infrastructure Program, will house the university’s programs for computer and mathematical sciences, management and co‐operative education ‐‐ disciplines that are in high demand at UTSC and attract top academic students. The new Instructional Centre will function as an important hub that brings together academic and industry partners to create innovative learning opportunities. The Centre will inspire many new generations of students who will go on to be the knowledge workers that drive innovation and prosperity in the eastern GTA.
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It'll become another building that will try and win an award instead of being properly constructed for students
It'll become another building that will try and win an award instead of being properly constructed for students

Is there a conflict? I'm not that familiar with the Scarb. campus, which I believe has a new building or two since I was last there. There seem to be similarities to the Mississauga campus which urbandreamer either likes or doesn't. They both started off in the 60s by using lots of concrete to put up big brutalist structures.

However, Miss. has certainly put up two or three good examples of architecture recently. The Library, built three or four years ago (by Shore Tilbe Irwin) is certainly a nice-looking place, but appears to me to be quite functional as well. Three or four other newer buildings are good examples of architecture IMO. Look at the rounded courtyard of the Kaneff building, as one example.

You remind me that it's past time for a sightseeing trip out to the Highland Creek valley.

Both of these suburban campuses benefit from outstanding river valley settings.
Scarborough's Brutalist architecture is quite fine. John Andrews created abstract structures which from certain angles evoke mountains among the natural setting. Some of the concrete interiors are phenomenal. Some of the newer additions are decent too. Architecturally, I much prefer UTSC to UTM even with UTM's stunning new library. This new development looks like another great addition.
Snapped this awhile go, it should be at least 60-70% completed by now.

The light green/white cladding panels are fritted opaque glass.
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Some updates on this one:







UTM is under a flurry of activity as well, which, when completed will boast three new buildings and an already constructed parking garage (for all my suburban friends to park their fancy cars in while they jot to class). The on-campus rumours are that one structure will be a state-of-the-art medical building, another will add several large lecture halls prepping for an increase in UTM enrollment, and the last is a small, pre-fabricated building that just went up in the last two days that will supposedly house admin offices. The building really did go up in two days, they shut down our campus roads to do so. It was quite the site (get it?!).

Unfortunately I don't own a camera. Perhaps another UT member has access to UTM on a regular basis to take a pic? If some does, go quick: the change that occurred between my classes that ended in June and the fall academic period were mind-blowing --- I expect all the exteriors to be completed soon om each of these new projects.

One last thing. The new medical building has a wood facade, but the wood is blue in tint. Very interesting.
