Mississauga U of T: UTM Instructional Centre | ?m | 3s | U of T | Perkins&Will

Lakeview has lots of space for a university campus. Although it's not really near anything.
Slightly better render:

Another gorgeous project for UTM. The pre-patinated copper cladding looks amazing. Wouldn't mind more of that popping up... everywhere!

'Tis a beautiful object to be sure, but I worry about the lack of street-level animation here. The side displayed below has a single set of doors in the middle and is otherwise barren.

I know, I know - Horror vacui, cenophobia, etc. etc. - But I can't help but get the feeling that there's a legion of people out there who just won't accept (or don't care) that they don't 'understand' the building like others might and will avoid walking around it at all costs.


Photo by Jasonzed
