Toronto U of T: FitzGerald Building Conversion | 4.89m | 1s | U of T | RDHA

Important to note the only supplier I know of that makes the wavy curtain wall popularized by SANAA went under during covid, so that may have had an effect on the design outcome here.
Jan 5

The night time lighting of this looks great, really highlighting those cornices!
UofT is doing a whole lot these days that really shows how much they absolutely love and are proud of this campus. It's not just improving the university but making our city a better place, one project at a time. I hope more architects and designers take note of this lighting because even though it seems insignificant, it completely changes the whole feel of the entire area around it, and considering how much darkness we have in the winter I genuinely believe it wouldn't be as horrible if more of our outdoor spaces had more architectural lighting like this.

Did I just write an entire paragraph swooning over some lights? yes. Do I care? no.
The fencing has come down!
Usage appears to be a consolidation of offices from other areas of the campus (Huron St, Communications House, Banting Building, etc). No one has officially moved in yet.
