Toronto U Condominiums | 183.79m | 56s | Pemberton | a—A

50 St. Joseph Street

I know there is a thread for this somewhere but I cannot for the life of me find it...

Looks like they may be building a sales centre on the site...?

I wouldnt mind getting some of these old bricks restoring them and finding some place in the old house to install them.i wonder what the deal is?

If they're just loading them into waste containers, then they probably not reusing them. You could drive up with a pick up truck sometime and load them up. You'll be recycling and they'll spend less on disposal.
/\ Watch out with that, it doesn't work for everybody...

A wall of condos on the east side of Bay, and an old stone wall on the west me, that wall said "welcome to U of T" as much as anything else, particularly since it led one through the gate into Victoria College, possibly the most attractive spot on the whole campus.
While the Bay wall might have been more or less expendable, I'm a little surprised they dismantled the St. Mary wall as well, esp. as it so defined the approach to Vic from the E--it really paints the condo as that dreaded unwelcome incursion onto university property, unless they're planning some kind of vague resurrection of said wall...
