Toronto Two Gladstone | ?m | 8s | Streetcar | TACT Architecture

Solaris you are right about 2 Gladstone instead of 5 Gladstone
I believe this is a new design from new developers.

Regarding the "rendering" on the website: we can only wish that the actual building would end up looking as distorted as Gehry's Fred & Ginger building in Prague.

I don't know how close the building will wind up being to the sidewalk, but it'd be nice if they could get rid of that wall and incorporate some urban, social, hangout steps (for lack of better terminology) in there.
Scaled Model

This is what I did on my Thanksgiving Monday ~ ;)

Click to Enlarge
Jumping into this thread just now....

How are they going to deal with railway noise and vibrations right next to this condo? Is the entire building going to rattle every time a train passes by?

Also, are there any windows facing the tracks or will it be a big blank wall that'll inevitably get covered in graffiti?
Jumping into this thread just now....

How are they going to deal with railway noise and vibrations right next to this condo? Is the entire building going to rattle every time a train passes by?

Also, are there any windows facing the tracks or will it be a big blank wall that'll inevitably get covered in graffiti?

I used to live in the old furniture factory on Noble street that's just on the other side of the train tracks. I never noticed the building shake, and it was pretty old and likely not built with stabilizers. The sound was also okay ... as long as you kept your windows closed. If you left them open - then dear God you were woken awake by what sounded like a train landing on your head.
I used to live in the old furniture factory on Noble street that's just on the other side of the train tracks. I never noticed the building shake, and it was pretty old and likely not built with stabilizers. The sound was also okay ... as long as you kept your windows closed. If you left them open - then dear God you were woken awake by what sounded like a train landing on your head.

I also lived years ago at the back studio facing the tracks at 1266 Queen above Ushers and had very little trouble with noise and vibration.
I stop by there today and the notices said they moved back to their office.

I took it as 2 things. One sales not doing well and 2, construction around the corner.

Rail noise is not bad now, but in 10-15 years, the number of trains will triple to all day service from peak service.

With Dufferin St underpass opening up next year, traffic will fall on Gladstone.

It too bad that someone did not buy up that whole block as you could had built something nice and taller.
