Toronto Time and Space Condos | 101.8m | 29s | Pemberton | Wallman Architects

While we wait for a new tool to further express our opinions with one click... I can try to arrange limited use of the gif below for forumers like DSC who have to see this everyday.

Just a stop-gap measure to save some typing. ;)



The skyline looks all ready cluttered with buildings. Why create multiple facades on one building. LESS IS MORE! As seen on the previous page !
^^ fyi... our resident future render genius steveve (Stephen Velasco) has a dedicated thread packed with scores of fab models (including the two above).

Check out the "Renderings & Live Cams" section and the thread called: Infographics - Future Toronto Skyline

20 pages of amazing future models.
The frustrating thing here is that this building could've been far less overbearing with an proper attempt at breaking up the volumes, for example what's been done at Mirvish Village. Instead we having a hulking, clunky monstrosity that looms over the entire neighbourhood. Couple that with a grab bag of the cheapest possible cladding materials and you have what might be the worst building to go up in this cycle.
