Toronto Theatre Park | 156.96m | 47s | Lamb Dev Corp | a—A

Oh please, you know what i mean
... that proposed development is out of the ordinary for this area, and many will not be very happy to deal with it.

I'm going to second Gristle's point and note that you often make strange posts about your opinion of what the planning department supposedly must 'think' - it has become increasingly clear that despite you being a long-time poster at UT that you still have no idea how the planning process works.... It isn't about the planning department being happy or not, there is a process that the applicant has to go through with numerous studies and reports being submitted to various departments for technical and professional review. There is also a public consultation process and there have been and will be numerous meetings between the applicants team and various departments including planning - the planners are professionals and will offer professional advice based on the provincial and municipal legislative and regulatory framework - ultimately that advice leads to a political decision which can be appealed to the OMB for further evidence based debate by professionals.

On a 'personal' level, I'm sure most planners would actually be thrilled to have the opportunity to work on such a unique and high-profile project... As usual your disdain for either the political process or planning process or the professionals involved in the process seems to be driven by a build anything as long as it is really really tall attitude - that isn't how to build a strong city and seems to suggest a very simplistic view of resolving very complex city building issues.
Hmm, Ok have made your point.

.... It isn't about the planning department being happy or not, there is a process that the applicant has to go through with numerous studies and reports being submitted to various departments for technical and professional review. There is also a public consultation process and there have been and will be numerous meetings between the applicants team and various departments including planning
- the planners are professionals and will offer professional advice based on the provincial and municipal legislative and regulatory framework - ultimately that advice leads to a political decision which can be appealed to the OMB for further evidence based debate by professionals.

On a 'personal' level, I'm sure most planners would actually be thrilled to have the opportunity to work on such a unique and high-profile project... As usual your disdain for either the political process or planning process or the professionals involved in the process seems to be driven by a build anything as long as it is really really tall attitude - that isn't how to build a strong city and seems to suggest a very simplistic view of resolving very complex city building issues.
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My point was actually that most planners would be pretty excited to have the opportunity to work on this project (and yes that that there is a little more to the process then height....)
I would think that planners would be very excited about a project like Mirvish as it would give them an opportunity to plan and re-imagine an entire city block. That's not a common opportunity.
I can't wait to see what this looks like with exposed concrete ceiling walls and floors
Dec. 26/12



I thought that was going to be set back much further than that. I guess I misjudged from the renderings
I guess I figured there'd be room for a park of some description, plus a patio. I don't know, it's early on, maybe it'll have a different feeling once it gets past that little podium section.
I guess I figured there'd be room for a park of some description, plus a patio. I don't know, it's early on, maybe it'll have a different feeling once it gets past that little podium section.

The space is not that large. There will be a patio, but judging from the renders a very little one. There will be a water garden and some trees - and pretty much that's it. Your concerns are valid - the space is very limited.


A good way to judge the space is by looking at the Eastern building both in the photos above (thanks SLOCRO) and in the render.
