Toronto Theatre Park | 156.96m | 47s | Lamb Dev Corp | a—A

23 August 2014: Nice hat! ;)


It completely ruins the building to me. Such an embarrassment, especially now that TIFF is happening right there. Ugh.

I agree that it doesn't look as could as it could, but an "embarrassment"? C'mon. On the whole it's still one of the better towers in that neighbourhood. If it's an embarrassment, then so is the rest of the Entertainment District.
I agree that it doesn't look as could as it could, but an "embarrassment"? C'mon. On the whole it's still one of the better towers in that neighbourhood. If it's an embarrassment, then so is the rest of the Entertainment District.

Didn't Brad Lamb mention that the green mech colour wasn't the final colour for the roof a little while back? I remember him saying something to that extent in an article. I am sure it is back a bunch of pages on this thread.

(OT but a couple years ago I was driving, and had to slow down dramatically while going through an intersection to avoid hitting a certain B. Lamb that had decided to venture out across a King West Area street on a red light without looking. He didn't even notice my car. You would think if you were crossing on a red you would at least look both ways. A good thing I noticed him, as it was dark out as well.)
