Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

Jan 16-10





The sight of all those windows is truly incredible!

great work everyone.... UT has been overflowing with updates today!

keep it up :)

It really is starting to look like One St. Thomas!
The forms have been jumped again, and it looks like they're moved to a new setback on the east side. The massing is definitely taking shape now
Nic Pics.

It looks like they are on the 28th or 29th floor....19 or 20 more floors to go. It is shaping up to match the "model" they have in their sales expected.
I think this building would look far more striking if its window frames were black, a la St. Thomas. They would also match the granite podium. Either way, I think Uptown will look respectable when it is finished, if not as wonderful as most of us envisioned it to be.

Does anyone else think it has an awkward relationship with Yonge? It seems to engulf everything that surrounds it and the back of the podium looks like a loading dock.
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It is quite dominant when viewed from Yonge, for what it's worth. It's definitely bigger and more massive than I imagined it from the renders.
Due to building restrictions on Yonge, I think a lot of the street will end up like this. 40 or 50 storey condos fronted by 2 or 3 storey storefronts. The new buildings farther south at St. Mary and St. Joseph might create the same effect. It could create an interesting contrast once a lot of these buildings go up.
Due to building restrictions on Yonge, I think a lot of the street will end up like this. 40 or 50 storey condos fronted by 2 or 3 storey storefronts. The new buildings farther south at St. Mary and St. Joseph might create the same effect. It could create an interesting contrast once a lot of these buildings go up.

Agreed. Preserving heritage structures along Toronto's relatively low-rise streetscapes, all the while increasing density are sort of contradictory objectives but urban planning like this, where possible, seems to be a good option.
I think this building would look far more striking if its window frames were black, a la St. Thomas. They would also match the granite podium. .

I was thinking the same thing when seeing the window frames the first time.

The grey colour is a little weak and disappointing and I think a stronger contrast to the whitish precast would have a better decision here. This building is no One St.Thomas. I wonder if they went with a grey colour instead to match up the windows with Crystalblu?

A lost opportunity in my opinion.

Here is a video update of the concrete going up the Uptown Condo Tower..
commentary courtesy of caltrane74
February 1 2010 update

View from Northeast - working on the 29th floor
Click to Enlarge

View from Northwest

2nd Stepback Now Visible
This thing's getting pretty huge now. I like its presence as you walk east on Bloor Street and come across it.

The streetscape of Balmuto looks great overall so far, to be honest. I like how this tower and CrystalBlu have podiums of the same height.
The streetscape of Balmuto looks great overall so far, to be honest. I like how this tower and CrystalBlu have podiums of the same height.

I agree... Although their designs are very different, their podiums do compliment each other making the streetwall look more unified :)
