Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

Well, let's be honest. Nothing happens south of Bloor without the fanboys pouncing. They could pave over Scarborough and nobody would notice.

Bring on the Scarborough people. They are certainly welcome here.
^ T'would be nice. Surely *somebody* lives there with a camera?

Back to the topic at hand, I was by the site last night, and there doesn't seem to be any - what do you call them - cables in the crane. Did they not finish erecting it, or do those always go in later?
A similar shot of Y/B taken from the Plaza II apartments, summer 1996.

^Yikes: I assume this is gay pride parade? If so, this was my first (and last) time watching the parade--and I was standing right at that corner. Wonder if I can find myself in that photo?

Ya it is, sorry about that.
I agree. Harvey's can go anywhere. That theatre is gone for good.
I guess you miss it in my photo?? :(

I was using your photo as proof to my comment, with the photo showing where the foundation for the crane is going. My apologies for not reposting your pics or putting in a '^'. Thanks for posting those photos BTW (and you too Casaguy)
