Toronto The Tower at King West | ?m | 26s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

I wish this building would have related better to the retail area, right across the street. It seems to turn its back to it. What it should have done is improved the retail area, with some nice retail of its own, along with some decent public space or patio. Every opportunity Liberty Village has to improve itself, is somehow always squandered. It's clear that nobody wants to step up to the table and try to change the course it's on. Liberty Village needs a saviour. It should be the local councillor but obviously that person hasn't done the job. If they did, it would not be the urban design disaster that it's turning out to be. I've never seen a neighbourhood that has more dangerous traffic than this one. You take your life into your own hands just crossing East Liberty Street. They need some street crossing lights, badly.
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The frog won't do. Toronto's next subway line could.


When the DRL finally comes, it will be like salt to a wound. The tragedy of Liberty 'Village' will become even more apparent. If the subway had come first some thought and effort might have been put into it's overall execution.
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