Toronto The RIV | 113m | 34s | Broccolini | Arcadis

Morning pics…



Do they need to? Could they be like Pinnacle, and start on a largely self-funded basis?

When Freed Developments brought Broccolini in as joint development partner for their buildings on Redpath a number of years ago, I asked about the joint venture rational, as Freed had previously used private investors to help finance his projects. The answer was that Broccolini was being of financial assistance in these projects - presumably better terms than the private investors, due to Broccolini just starting to get themselves established in the Toronto market at the time.

So the need for a stipulated level of pre-sales to secure bank financing may not be an issue for Broccolini.
35% sold as of today...
How the hell did Broccolini get to 70%?????

They were trying to get demo permits here for ages, irrespective of moving ahead; do we know that they didn't just manage to finagle the demo permits and they're engaging in liability control?
They've actually had the demo permit since Nov '23:


While they are at 'Issuance Pending' on a few of the needed build permits, others are only 'under review'; the key shoring permit doesn't seem to have any recent activity:

