Toronto The Residences of 488 University Avenue | 206.95m | 55s | Amexon | Core Architects

American style vandalism? People are making stuff up that doesn't even exist. What's Canadian style vandalism then? Spelling colour with a 'u'?

Exactly, there's no such thing as "American vandalism" or even "Canadian vandalism" for that matter. I'm pretty sure vandalism is relatively the same in most places.
There aren't very many American cities that are more heavily graffitied than Toronto. New York or Montreal might be the only cities in the U.S. and Canada that compare.
LA has tons also.

But the REAL question is how did they do that?

That shitty tag goes at least 20 feet high, did they bring a latter there at 3am?
good question, my guess is that they hung from the roof. I have no idea, but there is a lot of roof top graffiti around there so thats my guess.
Whoever graffitied that Chinese-themed building (I'm thinking more than one) should be found and prosecuted; just one person's opinion...


On second look at that picture, I can't help but wonder whether racism may be at play here(?) since the building appears predominantly Chinese themed. Ever since the U.S. inauguration, there has been a shocking rise of racist incidents here in the U.S. including property vandalism. Might it be spilling into Toronto/Canada(?) I certainly hope not since Canadian society is generally considered to be one of the world's most tolerant and progressive ones. I remain astounded that someone had spray-painted onto the 2nd and 3rd floors from the sidewalk in such brazen fashion. It's truly a terrible thing to see in a picture of one of the world's best cities. Can the City marshal resources to remove this awful blight? I hope they find the vandal(s) and prosecute fully.
American style vandalism? People are making stuff up that doesn't even exist. What's Canadian style vandalism then? Spelling colour with a 'u'?

Let's hope Toronto does not end up resembling 1980s NYC when even subway cars were not spared of graffiti. I've been to Asia and don't recall seeing graffiti in person though I've seen pictures of them. But certainly nothing like the "dog spraying" that happened to that Chinese-themed building in Toronto. I am sure there is a local business association in Toronto's Chinatown; perhaps they can pool their resources and expedite removal of the graffiti(?) if they've not already done so.

I've heard from many Americans comment about Toronto's comparative lack of police presence, and yet Toronto is significantly safer than most American cities/towns which fact is corroborated by statistics. Here in the U.S., you can have city streets devoid of pedestrians on weekends, but there will still be cruisers patrolling.

But given what's happened to this Chinese-themed building, perhaps Toronto can increase its police patrols in this little nabe, and even install more cameras, if they have not already done so.
Honestly that building gets sprayed regularly. If it is racism related it is not due to current politics. I think one of the reasons this part of town gets hit with tags so bad is that they know they will not get caught. The properties are very poorly maintained. So vandals know their tag will stay there longer.
Optimistic times...




I was quite initially cold towards this reno but I admit the cladding looks pretty sharp. A much better re-cladding than the Zurich building down the street.
