Toronto The Pemberton | 215.79m | 68s | Pemberton | a—A

It took a whole week? What happened? It should have been 2 days max!
The article "Growth to watch for in 2018: Yorkville, Rosedale..." was excellent! Thank you.
Is there any background on why Kingsett's consolidated project on Cumberland Avenue, where an international design winner was announced fell apart?
Very disappointing. I have a feeling there was one difficult player.
Is there any background on why Kingsett's consolidated project on Cumberland Avenue, where an international design winner was announced fell apart?
Very disappointing. I have a feeling there was one difficult player.

I assume they looked @ city planning that would take 3-5 years to get approvals
and in reality wouldn't give a shit of what the design would look like,
seems like height and Section 37 funds is their main concern
33 Yorkville and surrounding developments:

The article "Growth to watch for in 2018: Yorkville, Rosedale..." was excellent! Thank you.
Is there any background on why Kingsett's consolidated project on Cumberland Avenue, where an international design winner was announced fell apart?
Very disappointing. I have a feeling there was one difficult player.

They didn't own all the properties that were required for the project.
Looks promising and perhaps no balconies? That said, I'm surprised they're not going taller in Yorkville. The number of lots is finite and will get filled up quickly. In the 70s/80s we thought it was already built out but today we're taking those buildings down and going taller. I suppose in 40 years the cycle will repeat.
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They still haven't filed site plan for this, have they?
Nope, they haven't,

and to answer @isaidso, all the heights here pretty much get cut off so as to not add more shadow to Jesse Ketchum Park.

