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I am hoping for another late night discovery like the Mirvish-Gehry and 45 Bay threads...

I don't think this was posted before... City Council voted in February to make Yonge between College and Davenport a Heritage Conservation District Study Area

Rationale for an HCD Study Area By-law

The recent demolition of 1 Bloor Street West (Stollerys) illustrates the inadequate level
of existing heritage protection for properties that are not listed or designated within an
HCD study area. Since that demolition three more demolition permits have been applied
for within the study area and two have been released. The third, a listed building, can
only be protected from demolition if heritage staff can research and evaluate the property
for Part IV designation, and report to the Toronto Preservation Board and City Council,
within 60 days of the owner supplying all the required materials accompanying a notice
of intention to demolish a listed building. The practical reality of this is that staff time
and resources will have to be redirected from planned studies to emergency reviews.
Without a study area by-law designation for Historic Yonge Street the City cannot
proactively protect potential heritage properties in a timely manner as there is insufficient
time to evaluate all of the properties at risk.

Demolitions and exterior alterations should be prohibited for a period of one year within
the study area boundary. This will provide City Planning staff sufficient time to complete
the study. Staff will report to the Toronto Preservation Board, Toronto and East York
Community Council and City Council on the findings of the Historic Yonge Street
Heritage Conservation District Study prior to conclusion of the one year study period.
A little late, but Florida Jacks right beside Sunrise Records has closed. I think that bar under it would be going next, if it isn't already closed down. I went to the gym after my vacation only to see a sign saying "Closed for business"
Maybe they want to save the heritage buildings that are 501 Yonge?

Let's not be ridiculous and presume that the intent of the HCD is to preserve structures such as 501 Yonge. Think of it as assisting the preservation and restoration of strips such as the 5ive instead.

Does this put a halt on everything? Even something as far along as 501? I'm all for saving thst worth saving but a year seems like a long time to put people's time and money on hold. Moving forward with new applications that are not in sales and have not been approved is one thing. But if this affects things already in sales with approval that's really shitty.
Does this put a halt on everything? Even something as far along as 501? I'm all for saving thst worth saving but a year seems like a long time to put people's time and money on hold. Moving forward with new applications that are not in sales and have not been approved is one thing. But if this affects things already in sales with approval that's really shitty.

I think 501 is already approved, but you're right, it shouldn't delay projects that have already been approved.

Further, the by-law does not affect the processing of planning applications, the adoption of zoning by
-laws or official plan amendments, the granting of variances by the Committee of Adjustment or any other city approvals
required by City Planning or other divisions.

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501 is approved.

501 is approved.


Yeah, but for example...8 Cumberland/826 Yonge St. (Phantom Developments, 64s, P+S/IBI) which are proposing to restore most heritage will now be put on hold for a year or more?

I would assume, that the other dozen or so active applications (in that strech) that have been submitted through out the years and waiting for approval, have now been put on the backburner and hold. right? take is this will effect every proposal and development in planning,

.. oh well, lets hope this is a 1 year plan, and not 2-3 years, like what the city is taking for the Lower Yonge Precinct Plan
Well I hope they aren't shooting themselves in the foot here. Delays and hold ups mean that people lose interest and go elsewhere. Some of these projects are good, and incorporate the heritage structures. If they are on hold too long though nothing could happen and then the city gets stuck with a bunch of crumbling buildings on a main artery while developers put money in elsewhere.

Hopefully at this point enough is invested that a year doesn't change much.
Yeah, but for example...8 Cumberland/826 Yonge St. (Phantom Developments, 64s, P+S/IBI) which are proposing to restore most heritage will now be put on hold for a year or more?

I would assume, that the other dozen or so active applications (in that strech) that have been submitted through out the years and waiting for approval, have now been put on the backburner and hold. right? take is this will effect every proposal and development in planning,

.. oh well, lets hope this is a 1 year plan, and not 2-3 years, like what the city is taking for the Lower Yonge Precinct Plan

If I understand it correctly, demolition along that stretch of Yonge will be banned for one year, unless of course a demolition permit has already been granted (1 Bloor West for example). The Ontario Heritage Act doesn't allow the bylaw to exceed one year - it's only meant as a temporary measure to give the City time to approve a Heritage Conservation District. Once an HCD is approved, demolition will be allowed, though it would require approval from Council.
And there's no reason to believe that Phantom Developments would need to demolish anything in the next year at their 8 Cumberland site anyway as they are just getting into the planning process and do not have any sales so far. Since they are planning to retain some of the heritage structures, they shouldn't have too much of a problem anyway.

While there are other projects planned along here, were any other teardowns imminent? Not that I'm aware of. This bylaw just means that there will be no surprises for the next while.

And honestly, for all those who cheered what Sam Mizrahi did, this is the consequence imo. One individual's desire to avoid bureaucratic tangles has resulted in a headache for all involved. Whether or not Stollery's was worth saving (and most would agree it wasn't), Mizrahi has now forced the city's hand and made life difficult for everyone between College and Davenport. Sometimes patience and respect for others goes a long way, no?
Well I hope they aren't shooting themselves in the foot here. Delays and hold ups mean that people lose interest and go elsewhere. Some of these projects are good, and incorporate the heritage structures. If they are on hold too long though nothing could happen and then the city gets stuck with a bunch of crumbling buildings on a main artery while developers put money in elsewhere.

Hopefully at this point enough is invested that a year doesn't change much.

Come on. This is just fear mongering. No one is losing interest (or their investment) on building something near Yonge & Bloor.
