Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

Workers on site today. As well, is it possible delay is related to whatever’s ripping up the street on the east side this morning?
Those workers only look to be working on the water problem, which might have nothing to do with the hold up on the building end of it.
Those workers only look to be working on the water problem, which might have nothing to do with the hold up on the building end of it.
Sure, but the half dozen or so I walked past on the northwest side of the property behind the fence were there for what? (Those working on the east street side weren't the ones I counted as being "on site")

Every time work stops, a dozen voices pop up to say "look, see, it's the stump all over again!", as though failure is the default state.
Workers on site today. As well, is it possible delay is related to whatever’s ripping up the street on the east side this morning?
We shall see if The One activity returns to normal after they've done their...err, business here.
My 2 cents. I think they're waiting for the floor slabs poured to cover the crane hole to fully cure before making the next massive pour. From its looks, the main elevator core section of the next pour is the biggest pour by far on this site, so they will need fully cured concrete underneath it to support the immense weight that's going to be applied. Furthermore, we can't expect them to do this massive pour in the middle of the week as they're probably going to need an army of concrete mixers to supply the required concrete for this pour.

I don't think it's fair to jump to conclusions from seeing fewer workers onsite for 2-3 days, when the site has been a flurry of activities the past few months. With the podium already topped out (structurally), there might not be a reason to have dozens of workers onsite waiting for the big pour to happen. Granted, we reached this height on the structural steel back in March itself, but since then we've topped out the south podium and the west elevator shaft, while also pouring super-column concrete and floor slabs for the main tower.
I also noted those construction barrel pylon *thingies all they way up past North of Davenport on Yonge when I was walking past there today. Though I can't verify they related the road works indicated next to The One. If so though, it could explain the work slow being in a tight spot site wise, the supply chain for delivering components could be significantly interrupted here. I'm not sure what the Yonge Street road works are all about, but it appears to be rather vast and extensive where I was crossing.

*Note: My Dad used to call 'em McDonald hamburgers back in the day. >.<

Edit/Update: From Mr. Benito's pics proceeding this over on the next page, this appears to have nothing to do with this whatsoever. So /ignore my comment for now. Sorry. :(
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