Toronto The One | 328.4m | 91s | Mizrahi Developments | Foster + Partners

Yeah, just think of all those shit cities like London and Barcelona that don't have any tall heritage landmarks to lift the overall calibre of architecture in the city -- they suck!
By an odd coincidence, I drove through the inner suburbs of Barcelona on Friday. I’ve been in the more central areas a couple of times before and will return later in the month. (It’s a great city to visit.) But this was my first time in the suburbs. Tourists may concentrate on those central areas but many, maybe most people inhabiting the city live in these outlying areas. Somewhat to my surprise, there are a large number of apartment towers. They range between plain and ugly. The typical G and C productions would fit right in! Maybe they would be a step up.

It’s a great city with some wonderful architecture and in La Rambla it possesses one of the great walking streets of the world. And I love the rabbit warrens of the old city. Great place, but honestly, it too has some undistinguished architecture.

By the way, its most iconic structure is the Sagrada Familia. It already has some very talL spires. When completed its central spire willsoar about 170 metres. European cities can have impressive height too.
By the way, its most iconic structure is the Sagrada Familia. It already has some very talL spires. When completed its central spire willsoar about 170 metres. European cities can have impressive height too.

An excellent point considering the complaints about how long construction on The One is taking.

Sagrada Familia started construction in the 19th century.
An excellent point considering the complaints about how long construction on The One is taking.

Sagrada Familia started construction in the 19th century.

But of course, Gaudi famously said his client is in no hurry. I highly doubt the client for The One will think of it that way. The One isn't nearly the same as "The One".

At 5:15 PM this afternoon when I passed by, several things were going on...(which I think confirms @M Builder's point)...

Cement pouring, but tough to see where exactly in that SE corner...




Lots of paraphernalia to the right of that pour...


This trio was busy breaking up and moving dirt, etc. in NW corner..



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