Forgive me as I have not been a regular contributor.
The Bloor East Neighbourhood Association (BENA)* along with GYRA (Greater Yorkville Residents Association) and others were part of the City facilitated working group on The One, along with adjacent landowners and two nearby condos. The first thing to note, other than the already identified and addressed shadowing issue (Jesse Ketchum)**, none of the lead neighbourhood associations object to the height nor the density.
BENA in particular is on record as supporting Lanterra's North St. Jamestown project (at the OMB thanks in large part to the South Rosedale Residents Association), which makes sense as all their members live in mid to hi rise condos. Along with GYRA and others, their objections are on the merits of the current state of the proposal and yes are somewhat "technical." They do not oppose an 80-storey retail and condo development at 1 Bloor West. They don't support the current plan for the project. Adjacent landowners (developers) also have opposed the plan as it stands now for a variety of reasons.
As I understand it the "laneway issue" is very much a live one that has not been solved.
It's my sense that key neighbourhood stakeholders hope that the one month deferral will permit sufficient time to address the issues they identified.
As for Mizrahi, if his deal with Apple is solid I am sure it can last one more month (he claimed at one point he'd lose it if he did not have zoning approval by the end of June). One presumes also he won't be rushing to the OMB as he'd be lucky to get a hearing by January.
My sense is that it was the submission that was rushed. Staff do want to approve a version of this. The key neighbourhood stakeholders want to support it too, though they, and it would seem Counillor Wong-Tam, just do not feel it's "there yet.'
* BENA has been a pro bono client of mine but I am not engaged in any way on this file.
** For those may have scoffed at the shadowing issue, it is one thing among few that can indeed cause a project to be refused by the OMB so of course Mizrahi gave ground on it.