Toronto The HUB | 258.46m | 59s | Oxford Properties | Rogers Stirk Harbour

Yeah this design sort of took a 160 Front style L with this height reduction. Looks a lil stubby but I sort of like the addition of the Boston Prudential Center style box & spire on top.
I find the tower bulky and inelegant and the spires superfluous. Maybe it's just the way it's depicted in the render...

Probably a little of both - the angle of that particular rendering is not inductive to illustrating the length of the spires. The elevations are better for that:




What I do dislike is the box encasing the spire and interrupted the visual extension. Guess that could be the place where corporate logos get smacked onto. The other unsatisfying aspect is the landscaping along Harbour, particularly where the water feature was located in the original proposal. It felt tacked on.

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I actually think it looks better this time around. I feel like the roof was too bulky with the last design, with this it looks more ornamental and would look good amongst the flat rooftops in the Toronto skyline.

I'm really happy that the overall design didn't change too much.

I can't really tell how the architecture has changed. But I'm not a fan of the change to using the go-to Toronto dusk render. Notice how countless renders in this city are showing their buildings seemingly around twilight. Not midday, not the golden hour. It's after the sun's set (or before it's risen). It's practically dark and I can't tell what I'm seeing. Aren't the diagonal braces some sort of bronzey colour? Well they look grey in that render.

Anyway, do we know what the columns are clad with? Or is it straight concrete? Wouldn't mind if they brought the 4-colour of the elevator shafts and mirrored that with the columns. Green, blue, red, yellow - one colour for each side. Perhaps just the lateral joins between the columns. Still a huge fan of the structure so not dissing it. And I've done this touch up with the original render. But anyone think if the building really wants to make its mark and be miles ahead of southcore blues, have the columns truly pop.

^looks like a Christmas present wrapped with red ribbon. will look good during Christmas days.
^looks like a Christmas present wrapped with red ribbon. will look good during Christmas days.

Ah, now I can't un-see a gift-wrapped present tower lol. I've played around with other colours on the hard copy, but my view is generally red is best. It could be black maybe. Still curious how the current proposal will look, which the current dim, dusky renders do no favours. Perhaps I'm overthinking this. I mean these aren't steel tubes on a midrise office that can be painted any which way. They're the superstructure. Perhaps leaving them the concrete(?) finish is right way.
I can't really tell how the architecture has changed. But I'm not a fan of the change to using the go-to Toronto dusk render. Notice how countless renders in this city are showing their buildings seemingly around twilight. Not midday, not the golden hour. It's after the sun's set (or before it's risen). It's practically dark and I can't tell what I'm seeing. Aren't the diagonal braces some sort of bronzey colour? Well they look grey in that render.

Anyway, do we know what the columns are clad with? Or is it straight concrete? Wouldn't mind if they brought the 4-colour of the elevator shafts and mirrored that with the columns. Green, blue, red, yellow - one colour for each side. Perhaps just the lateral joins between the columns. Still a huge fan of the structure so not dissing it. And I've done this touch up with the original render. But anyone think if the building really wants to make its mark and be miles ahead of southcore blues, have the columns truly pop.

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Seoul seems to be getting one like this:



