Toronto The Charles at Church | 152.7m | 47s | Aspen Ridge | BDP Quadrangle

While I agree that saving trees should happen when possible, I'd imagine it's very hard to do in a tight urban construction setting where a lot of the roots will be cut no matter what.
I'm not sure it's rational to assume that all trees can always be saved, unless you prefer not to develop an area.
Sucks for the short-term, but the important thing for the long-term is that new (and more than pre-development) trees are planted, ideally species that are native to the region, and in a manner that protects the new tree from road salt and avoids root complications with surrounding infrastructure.
It's OK the rendering shows they'll be replanted & will look exactly the same (and renderings never lie).

There is a small site owned by Cresford located between Casa 3 and The Charles at Church. Would it be Casa 4?
There is a small site owned by Cresford located between Casa 3 and The Charles at Church. Would it be Casa 4?
I’ve always wondered about that. There’s a short row of old terrace houses between Casa 3 and the Manhattan apartment building. Looks like they were restored as part of the Casa 3 project, but they’re still fenced off. While Casa 3 has been occupied for months, construction is still going on at ground level, so these houses may eventually become townhouses or a rec room / library for Casa 3 residents
I was wondering why they haven't started construction yet. Here's an excerpt from Councillor Wong -Tam's newsletter;

At its meeting of July 12, 2016, City Council adopted Item TE17.13 approving the Zoning Amendment application for the property at 68 and 70 Charles Street East and 628, 634, 636 and 638 Church Street. Concurrent with the zoning approval was Item 2016.TE17.28, the consideration of alterations pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act to the designated heritage buildings located on the development site. The Council decision required that a number of conditions be satisfied prior to the issuance of any heritage alteration permit.

The applicant has requested that the pre-approval conditions be amended to allow them to begin construction prior to the issuance of final Site Plan approval and to allow them to obtain a building permit prior to the submission of full building permit drawings for the entire project.

The reason for the requested change in the conditions is to allow the applicant to meet construction deadlines and to commence work on these buildings that are currently vacant. The applicant's Site Plan application has been submitted and is under review by City staff. The City's interests are being secured through other means, including a Heritage Easement Agreement, which has been executed by the applicant and has been registered. The applicant is also be required to provide a Letter of Credit to the City to secure the full amount of the heritage conservation work prior to the issuance of a permit.
